In the Superquiz by Harry Hollinsworth, the challenge is to find words of four letters or more that include the center letter and use each letter only once. Participants must find at least one nine-letter word and are prohibited from using colloquial or foreign words, capitalizing nouns, using apostrophes or hyphens, or using verbs or plural words ending in “s”. The solution list is not exhaustive and participants are encouraged to reference the Macquarie Dictionary for word verification.

In today’s Target challenge, participants are asked to find 10 words for an average score, 16 words for a good score, and 23 or more words for an excellent score. Yesterday’s Target challenge included words such as adown, aglow, along, analog, dong, doona, gaol, glow, goad, goal, godown, gold, gonad, gondola, good, goon, gown, lagoon, load, loan, logo, logon, long, loon, wagon, wagonload, woad, wold, wood, and wool.

The Superquiz challenge tests participants’ vocabulary skills by requiring them to find words within specific criteria. By limiting the types of words that can be used, the challenge becomes more difficult and requires participants to think creatively to come up with words that fit the guidelines. The inclusion of a nine-letter word adds an extra layer of difficulty and encourages participants to think outside the box.

By providing a reference source in the form of the Macquarie Dictionary, participants are able to verify their word choices and ensure they are using correct and valid words. This adds a level of accountability to the challenge and ensures that participants are following the guidelines set out for the Superquiz. It also encourages participants to expand their vocabulary and discover new words they may not have been familiar with before.

The Target challenge sets specific goals for participants to achieve, with different scores awarded based on the number of words found. This provides participants with a clear objective to work towards and motivates them to continue searching for words until they reach their desired score. The challenge of finding a certain number of words within the given criteria adds an element of competition and encourages participants to push themselves to do their best.

Overall, the Superquiz by Harry Hollinsworth offers an engaging and challenging word puzzle for participants to test their vocabulary skills. By setting specific criteria and objectives for the challenge, participants are able to focus their efforts and work towards achieving a specific goal. The inclusion of a reference source adds credibility to the challenge and ensures that participants are using valid words. The Target challenge format provides a clear structure for participants to follow and encourages them to continue improving their vocabulary skills.

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