Harry Hollinsworth’s Superquiz challenges players to find words of four letters or more. Each word must include the center letter and each letter can only be used once. The goal is to find at least one nine-letter word, with no colloquial or foreign words, capitalised nouns, apostrophes, hyphens, verbs, or plural words ending in “s.” The solution list provided is not exhaustive, and players are encouraged to test their skills against the Target Time criteria.

Today’s Target for the Superquiz is set at 17 words for an average score, 23 words for a good score, and 30+ words for an excellent score. Yesterday’s challenge included words like “agio,” “gall,” “gloat,” and “antilog,” with the impressive nine-letter word “ALLOTTING.” The list of solutions showcases the diverse range of words that can be formed within the constraints set by the game, challenging players to think creatively and expand their vocabulary.

The Source for the Superquiz is the Macquarie Dictionary, ensuring that all words used are legitimate and recognized in the English language. By following this reference, players can expand their knowledge of words and enhance their language skills through the game. The absence of colloquial or foreign words, as well as the restrictions on nouns and punctuation, adds an extra layer of challenge to the Superquiz, pushing players to think critically about word formation and structure.

Participants are encouraged to strive for excellence in the Superquiz by expanding their word lists and tackling the Target Time goals set for each day. The satisfaction of finding words like “tigon,” “glint,” and “logia” within the constraints of the game can be both rewarding and educational, showcasing the power of language and vocabulary in a playful and engaging format. The Superquiz offers a fun and interactive way to test one’s word skills and push the boundaries of linguistic creativity.

By engaging in the Superquiz challenge, players can improve their language skills, enhance their vocabulary, and have fun in the process. The game encourages players to think outside the box and explore different word combinations within the constraints set by the rules. From common words like “gall” to more obscure terms like “ngaio,” the Superquiz offers a mix of familiar and unfamiliar words to keep players on their toes and test their word-finding abilities.

The Superquiz by Harry Hollinsworth provides a platform for players to challenge themselves, expand their language skills, and enjoy a mental exercise that is both entertaining and educational. By following the Target Time criteria and striving to reach higher word counts each day, participants can sharpen their word-finding abilities and enhance their overall proficiency in the English language. The Superquiz is a testament to the power of words and the endless possibilities they offer for exploration and discovery in a playful and engaging setting.

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