Azione is a European political party that aims to create a stronger Europe by increasing resources for national healthcare systems, reforming the green deal to include nuclear energy, and creating a common European defense. These are the main points highlighted in their program leading up to the European elections. This party envisions a Europe that is a major global power and is pushing for policies that will strengthen the continent both economically and defensively.

One of the key areas of focus for Azione is the allocation of more resources from the European Union to support national healthcare systems. This would involve funding and support from the EU to improve access to healthcare services and ensure that all EU citizens have equal access to quality healthcare. By investing in healthcare, the party believes that they can improve the overall well-being of European citizens and create a more equitable society.

In addition to healthcare, Azione is also advocating for the reform of the green deal to include nuclear energy. This is a controversial stance as nuclear energy is a divisive issue among European countries. While some see it as a clean and efficient source of energy, others have concerns about its safety and environmental impact. By advocating for nuclear energy, Azione is positioning itself as a party that is willing to consider all options to achieve sustainability and reduce reliance on fossil fuels.

Another key aspect of Azione’s platform is the proposal for a common European defense. This would involve greater collaboration and coordination among European countries in terms of defense and security. By creating a unified defense strategy, the party believes that Europe can better protect itself from external threats and increase its global influence. This proposal aligns with the party’s vision of a Europe that is a major global power and plays a significant role in international affairs.

As the European elections approach, Azione is positioning itself as a party that is committed to creating a stronger and more unified Europe. By advocating for greater resources for healthcare, reforming the green deal to include nuclear energy, and promoting a common European defense, the party is presenting a comprehensive platform that addresses key issues facing the continent. The party’s vision of a Europe that is a major global power resonates with its supporters and highlights its ambition to play a more significant role on the world stage. Through these policies, Azione is seeking to create a Europe that is more prosperous, sustainable, and secure for all its citizens.

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