I hate the word “immigrant”. When someone talks about immigrants, it’s as if they are stripping them of their humanity and putting on a mask of someone who doesn’t feel fear, love, hopes, or doesn’t have intellect. It’s as if they only see our primal survival instincts to judge our motivations. No one talks about the exhausting identity crisis we go through trying to understand new customs, make new friends, work to survive, and send money back to our families. We, the strangers, are always living on the edge of a mental collapse. Don’t ask me why I came, ask me how I feel. – Maggie Velarde. Palma de Mallorca

The turmoil of war. There is no doubt that Iran is a dictatorial regime and with its attack on Israel, we are entering into the ominous whirlwind of war. Let’s not forget, however, Israel’s attack on the Iranian Consulate with the death of several of its diplomats in a third sovereign country, Syria, and the silence of those who proclaim themselves defenders of the “free world” and of the US with its unconditional support to Israel in the most inhumane reprisal of recent years against the civilian population of Gaza, despite UN resolutions, including one from the Security Council. – Francisco José Eguibar Padrón. Madrid

Aggressions against teachers. I am a primary education teacher. Recently, talking to a colleague about a student, she told me: “That student was the first one to physically attack me.” Her tone conveyed a mixture of naturalness, resignation, and acceptance. As if you were told that it will rain on Sunday. This phrase has left me thinking about how we have normalized both physical and verbal violence within our profession, even in the youngest students. My colleague’s words should make us reflect. – Rubén Quirós González. Gijón

Protecting authors. My request to the Minister of Culture, Ernest Urtasun, is simple: legislation that truly protects authors from the abuses of those who exploit their works, that breaches of contracts by publishers do not go unpunished, and that has economic consequences to deter them from doing so. Authors must feel protected in their rights to continue creating. It is essential for the birth of new works and the enrichment of a country’s cultural heritage. Please, Minister, make it happen. – Anna Arnaiz Kompanietz. Madrid

Not all is lost. The celebration of Athletic Club’s fans for winning the Copa del Rey reminds us that not all is lost in football. The attachment, the sense of belonging can be an antidote against modern football or the football industry, so far removed from popular sentiment and club culture. Congrats Athletic! – Manuel Sánchez Patón. Tomelloso (Ciudad Real)

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