On October 7th of last year, the author, who is not Jewish nor Israeli, found themselves in Israel during a time of conflict. They were forced to seek shelter due to the threat of attacks by Iran-sponsored Hamas. The experience of fear mixed with defiance has led the author to share in the trauma and trajectory of the Israeli people. The United States, Israel, and its Arab allies are now stronger, but the question remains: what is next as Iran seeks to weaken them?

During their time in Israel, the author experienced the reality of war, with the need to seek shelter within 90 seconds of a warning siren sounding. The true horror came from the news of the casualties on both sides, with almost 1,300 dead, many raped, and numerous others injured or kidnapped. Despite the challenges, the author also witnessed the strength of pro-American Arab and moderate Muslim allies who stood with Israel in words and deeds. This alliance was crucial for Israel’s new strength in the region.

The recent philosophy of peace with Israel, the Abraham Accords, provided the Middle East with a different moral compass and created a new order led by the United States. The alliances formed through this agreement allowed for Jews, Christians, Muslims, and others to come together for trade, travel, prayer, and prosperity. However, the region faced new challenges following the October 7th attacks, with Iran and its allies gaining power. Despite this, the death of Iran’s president, as well as other recent events, has opened up the possibility for a new Middle East.

Iran, determined not to surrender, has continued to launch attacks against Israel and vowed to target U.S. bases across the Middle East. The author warns of the presence of Hezbollah sleeper cells in Europe and America that may seek to harm them. The United States has a unique opportunity to strengthen its allies in West Asia through geo-religious, geo-political, and geo-economic means. Building upon the Abrahamic faith tradition shared with Israel and Muslim Arab neighbors, the U.S. may be able to forge stronger relationships in the region.

Geo-economically, the UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Gulf Arab neighbors are set to become wealthy by 2030, offering opportunities for economic prosperity. With American leadership and defense treaties, Gaza could potentially become the next Dubai under moderate Muslim leadership. These developments could help create a future where Arabs and Israel are part of a prosperous Middle East. The author emphasizes the importance of continuing to work towards peace and stability in the region.

In conclusion, there is hope for a new beginning in the Middle East, with the potential for increased cooperation between Arab nations, Israel, and the United States. By working together on religious, economic, and political fronts, they can prevent adversaries like China, Russia, and Iran from exploiting the situation in Gaza. Building on the success of recent agreements and alliances, the region can move towards a more peaceful and prosperous future. The author stresses the importance of honoring the memory of those impacted by the events of October 7th and working towards a better future for all involved.

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