Antonio Tajani, the Italian foreign minister, spoke out against an incident involving Italian soldiers that occurred recently, deeming it unacceptable. He made it clear that the soldiers will not be withdrawn from their positions, as that decision lies solely with the United Nations. Tajani emphasized that Italian soldiers do not run away from difficult situations and reiterated that they must stay in place. He also asserted that Italian soldiers are not terrorists from Hezbollah, defending their professional conduct.

The minister’s statements were made in Berlin at the Italian embassy following a summit on the Balkans. Tajani’s remarks expressed strong support for the Italian soldiers and emphasized their commitment to duty. He underlined that the soldiers would not be withdrawn from their positions and that their presence in challenging locations would be maintained. Tajani’s reassurance came after an incident that he deemed unacceptable involving Italian soldiers, making it clear that they would not be removed from the area in question.

The incident involving the Italian soldiers was characterized as unacceptable by Tajani, who stressed that Italian soldiers should not be harmed or mistreated. He also stated that the decision to maintain the soldiers’ presence where they are located is the responsibility of the United Nations, and that Italy will abide by this decision. Tajani was firm in his declarations that Italian soldiers do not retreat from difficult situations and that they always fulfill their duties professionally. He also rejected any association between the soldiers and the terrorist group Hezbollah, defending their integrity.

Antonio Tajani’s remarks in Berlin highlighted the steadfast commitment of Italian soldiers to their duties and their dedication to staying in challenging locations. Tajani firmly stated that the soldiers would not be withdrawn and that their presence was essential. His stance comes in response to an incident involving Italian soldiers that he deemed unacceptable and necessitated a public response. Tajani also made it clear that Italian soldiers are not connected to any terrorist group, as he sought to defend their reputation and professionalism.

In light of the incident involving Italian soldiers, Antonio Tajani emphasized the importance of maintaining their presence and not allowing them to be removed. He reiterated that the decision on their deployment rests with the United Nations and that Italy will abide by this decision. Tajani’s statements sought to reassure the public and defend the soldiers’ integrity while reaffirming their commitment to duty. The incident in question prompted Tajani to speak out strongly in support of Italian soldiers and reject any allegations linking them to terrorism.

The summit on the Balkans served as the backdrop for Antonio Tajani’s statements in Berlin, where he reiterated Italy’s commitment to keeping soldiers in place despite difficulties. Tajani emphasized that Italian soldiers do not shy away from challenges and remain dedicated to their duty. His remarks came in response to an incident involving Italian soldiers that led to his strong condemnation of the situation. Tajani’s defense of the soldiers’ professionalism and rejection of any terrorist links underscored his firm stance on the matter.

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