Andrew and Ale Kenney embarked on a nine-month cruise around the world, visiting 150 ports in 65 countries. The decision to go on this epic journey came after both of their fathers passed away, making them realize that life is too short to wait until retirement to travel. Ale’s father passed away at the age of 57, while Andrew’s father died when he was just two years old. The couple wanted to fulfill their dreams of seeing the world together before it was too late.

Before setting off on their world cruise, Ale saw an advertisement for the Royal Caribbean Ultimate World Cruise and initially brought it up as a joke, thinking it was crazy to consider a nine-month cruise. However, after researching the cruise and realizing it would take them to seven continents and allow them to see world wonders, the couple was convinced to go on this once-in-a-lifetime trip. They set sail from Miami, Florida, in December 2023, and have since visited countries like Australia, France, Greenland, and the Bahamas.

While on the cruise, Andrew has been working as a freelance videographer and photographer, while Ale has been vlogging their journey. They both feel that this experience has been incredible and are grateful for the opportunity to travel the world together. The couple has been surprised by the sense of community they have found on the ship, forming lifelong friendships with like-minded travelers who share their love for exploration and adventure.

The cost of their room on the cruise was $59,000 each, but the couple believes it was worth it. The price included three loads of laundry per week, unlimited wifi, free food and drinks, and the chance to see seven world wonders. They feel that by paying for the cruise in advance, they were able to pack a lot of travel experiences into the nine-month journey. Andrew has been able to work on the ship as an editor and do filming for other passengers who need it, ensuring that they make the most of their time onboard.

The couple has been amazed by the places they have visited and the experiences they have had. They never thought they would see iconic landmarks like the Great Wall of China or the Taj Mahal, but the cruise has allowed them to do just that. They have fallen in love with places like Japan, South Africa, French Polynesia, and Greece, and have already made plans to revisit some of their favorite locations in the future. Ale has taken a break from her job as a pharmacy technician and is focusing on social media, while Andrew continues to work as a videographer while on the ship.

By the time the cruise ends, Andrew and Ale will have spent nine months onboard, creating memories that will last a lifetime. The couple is grateful for the opportunity to travel the world together and are enjoying every moment of their once-in-a-lifetime trip. They hope to inspire others to follow their dreams and not wait until retirement to see the world. In total, they will visit a diverse range of countries, immersing themselves in different cultures and landscapes, and making friends from all over the world along the way.

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