The CDU is projecting that the cost of implementing a citizen’s income in 2024 will amount to 40 billion euros. Party leader Friedrich Merz has emphasized that this would not be feasible if Germany is to remain defensively capable. He has already determined the key message that the Union will be campaigning on in the upcoming federal election.

Merz’s concern lies in the fact that the proposed citizen’s income would require a significant financial investment that could potentially compromise Germany’s ability to defend itself. He is advocating for a more prudent approach to budgeting in order to prioritize defense spending. This has sparked a debate within the party about the feasibility and implications of the proposed citizen’s income.

The CDU’s stance on the issue of the citizen’s income will play a crucial role in shaping their electoral strategy for the upcoming Bundestagswahl. Merz is determined to communicate a clear message to voters about the party’s priorities and commitments. The party will need to balance the desire to provide financial support to citizens with the need to maintain national security.

As the CDU prepares for the 2024 election, the cost of the citizen’s income remains a contentious issue within the party. Merz’s assertion that the proposed program is not financially sustainable has raised questions about the party’s economic priorities. The upcoming election will test the CDU’s ability to address these concerns and present a compelling vision for the future of Germany.

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