Wave Motion Launch Corp., based in Everett, Washington, has been awarded a $1.6 million contract by the U.S. Army to further develop its Jet Gun technology. The Jet Gun concept involves using a jet of supersonic gas to propel a projectile to high speeds without the need for a physical structure or barrel surrounding the projectile. This allows the system to be up to 100 times more compact than a rocket or conventional cannon while also being able to handle projectiles of various sizes. This flexibility is advantageous in logistically challenging environments where ammunition of a specific caliber may not be readily available.

The contract, awarded as a Direct to Phase II grant under the Army’s Small Business Innovative Research program, came after Wave Motion was named a winner in the xTech Pacific competition. Wave Motion was founded by three University of Washington alumni – Finn van Donkelaar, James Penna, and Casey Dunn. Van Donkelaar is the CEO and holds the patent for the Jet Gun system, while Penna serves as the chief operating officer. The company was also a winner in UW CoMotion’s I-Corps program in 2020. The funding from the Army contract will be used to hire additional staff and expand manufacturing and production capabilities to support the new contract.

In addition to the U.S. Army contract, Wave Motion also won a $1.3 million award for Jet Gun development from the Office of Naval Research in 2022. The company is currently finishing up the Office of Naval Research contract and has successfully conducted tests under that project. They are now focused on developing a more advanced version of the Jet Gun that uses solid entrained particles to create longer jets and extend the acceleration path for projectiles, potentially hundreds of times the length of the launcher system. A prototype of this ‘solid jet gun’ is being planned for space launch applications, in addition to military and industrial applications such as mining and drilling.

Wave Motion’s Jet Gun technology has the potential to revolutionize how projectiles are launched, offering a compact and versatile alternative to traditional rocket and cannon systems. The company’s innovative approach has garnered attention from both military and space agencies, as well as industrial sectors looking for new solutions for mining and drilling. With a talented team of founders and ongoing support from government grants, Wave Motion is poised to continue making advancements in the development and application of its Jet Gun technology. The future looks promising for this emerging startup as it explores new possibilities for projectile launch systems.

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