Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba is a popular anime series based on the manga of the same name by Koyoharu Gotoge. The story follows siblings Tanjiro and Nezuko, the sole survivors of a demon attack on their family. Tanjiro is determined to avenge his family’s deaths and find a cure for his sister, who has been transformed into a demon. The new season of the series has brought a fresh storyline with higher stakes, as Tanjiro faces new challenges and dangers in his quest to save Nezuko.

In the movie “Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba – To the Hashira Training,” Tanjiro faced difficult battles and thought he had lost his sister in the process. However, he received good news from Tamayo about a cure for humans using demon blood from the Twelve Kizuki. In the upcoming Hashira Training arc in season 4, Tanjiro and the other members of the corps prepare to face the demon king Muzan, who is targeting Nezuko. The Hashira are training for the showdown, giving Tanjiro the opportunity to improve his combat skills and work alongside other powerful allies.

Fans can catch new episodes of Demon Slayer season 4 on Crunchyroll every Sunday at 10:45 a.m. PT. The first episode of the Hashira Training arc was released on May 10, and viewers can expect weekly installments with new developments in the story. Crunchyroll offers premium subscriptions for fans who want ad-free access to their favorite anime series, and the service has a free trial for new subscribers. Additionally, Hulu and Netflix also have previous seasons of Demon Slayer available for streaming for those who want to catch up on the series.

For fans looking to watch Demon Slayer season 4 from anywhere in the world, using a VPN can be a useful tool. A VPN allows users to virtually change their location and access restricted content, such as Crunchyroll, while traveling abroad. It can also provide additional privacy and security for streaming, especially on public Wi-Fi networks. ExpressVPN is recommended as a reliable VPN option for streaming, offering fast speeds and stable connections for a smooth viewing experience.

To use a VPN for streaming Demon Slayer season 4, users should follow the provider’s installation instructions and choose a country where Crunchyroll is available. It’s important to ensure that the VPN is connected before opening the streaming app and to confirm the correct region for viewing. If any issues arise during streaming, troubleshooting steps such as rebooting devices and checking network connections may be necessary. Some streaming services may have restrictions on VPN access, so it’s essential to confirm compatibility before using a VPN for streaming.

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