St. Paul’s letter to the Ephesians urges believers to live wisely and make the most of their opportunities, as the days are evil. The passage emphasizes the importance of understanding the will of the Lord, being filled with the Spirit, and giving thanks always. Pastor Jesse Bradley points out that these verses contain five blessings from God that can fill our lives and make us bear fruit. The first blessing is the Holy Spirit, which dwells in believers and produces peace, love, and joy in their lives. Bradley emphasizes the importance of relying on God daily and being open to receiving His blessings.

The other blessings mentioned in the passage include wisdom, courage, words, and gratitude. Bradley explains that knowledge and wisdom are different, with wisdom leading to transformation through practical life decisions. He encourages seeking wisdom from God, who is generous and willing to give wisdom to those who seek and honor Him. Bradley emphasizes that God goes ahead of us to prepare the way and opens doors that cannot be shut. He encourages believers to trust God with the results, have courage in tough times, and speak words of love and truth to build up others.

He highlights the power of words, noting that they have the ability to bring life or cause damage. Bradley advises singing to the Lord to fill conversations with His salt and light. Gratitude is also essential, as thanking God in every situation is a good decision. He emphasizes the importance of rejecting bitterness and resentment, instead choosing to be thankful and inspiring to others. Bradley encourages believers to trust in God and receive hope daily, drinking deeply from the well of Jesus’ infinite and indestructible hope.

In a culture that often emphasizes achievement, Bradley reminds believers of the importance of first receiving from God before giving. He emphasizes that the Christian life is supernatural and cannot be lived solely on one’s strength. By abiding with Jesus, believers can bear fruit and become more like Him. Bradley acknowledges the challenges of living in a fallen world but encourages believers to trust in God, seek wisdom from Him, and express gratitude in all situations. Ultimately, he urges believers to fill their hearts with the blessings of the Spirit, wisdom, courage, words, and gratitude, allowing God to fill their lives and help them make a positive impact on others.

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