Susann Sills, a successful businesswoman and co-founder of an IVF practice with her husband, Dr. Eric “Scott” Sills, tragically died in November 2016 in what was reported as an accidental fall. However, her friends, such as Chris Solimine, felt there was more to the story, especially after Susann left a troubling message with Rick Leeds about tension over a topless photo that she had posted online as a bet if Donald Trump won the presidential nomination. Leeds revealed that Susann was considering leaving her husband due to their rocky relationship.

Suspicions grew further when detectives arrived at the Sills’ home and found Susann’s body with injuries inconsistent with a simple fall down the stairs. Mary-Katherine, one of the Sills’ twin children, mentioned that her mother had been wearing a scarf around her neck that had been removed to clear her airway. Blood evidence in the bedroom pointed towards a struggle, while Scott Sills had injuries and a cut on his head that he attributed to working on his car with his son Eric. Forensic analysis suggested tension in the marriage, with text messages from Susann expressing feelings of being trapped and wanting out.

After a year, the coroner ruled Susann Sills’ death as a homicide by ligature strangulation, making Dr. Scott Sills the prime suspect. The discovery of an online exchange between Susann and a male member of the political chatroom where she posted her topless photo raised suspicions of motive, with the defense attorney claiming there was no clear reason for murder. Still, the eerie presence of the chat printout in Scott Sills’ possession and the nature of the messages hinted at possible resentment towards his wife’s behavior.

Dr. Scott Sills was arrested in 2019 and charged with the alleged murder of Susann. His defense attorney, Jack Earley, disputed the motive for murder and downplayed the significance of the topless photo and online exchange. Earley offered a theory that the family’s dogs may have caused the ligature strangulation after Susann’s fall, focusing on a fractured C3 vertebra identified in her autopsy as a possible cause of death. However, investigators and prosecutors continued to believe that the evidence pointed towards a deliberate act by Scott Sills in causing his wife’s death.

Ultimately, the trial of Dr. Scott Sills raised questions about the true nature of Susann’s death and the motives behind her killing. The forensic evidence, the presence of the online exchange in Scott’s possession, and Susann’s own messages expressing distress in her marriage all painted a picture of a troubled relationship that culminated in tragedy. As the legal proceedings continued, the search for justice for Susann Sills and closure for her loved ones remained at the forefront of the investigation into her untimely and mysterious death.

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