Dmitry Medvedev, deputy chairman of the Security Council of Russia and ally of President Vladimir Putin, issued a warning on Telegram after an assassination attempt on Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico in Slovakia, a NATO member. Fico was shot five times in the town of Handlová and is in serious condition. The alleged gunman, Juraj Cintula, a 71-year-old writer and poet, was charged with attempted murder. Slovak Interior Minister Matúš Šutaj Eštok stated that the attack was politically motivated and closely tied to the recent presidential election in the country.

In response to the shooting, Medvedev expressed his concerns on Telegram, highlighting that the assassination attempt in Europe on a politician with a reasonable stance towards Russia was unprecedented in decades. Fico, who became prime minister in October 2023, campaigned on halting military aid to Ukraine, opposing sanctions against Russia, and criticizing LGBTQ+ rights. Medvedev praised Fico as part of the European establishment that prioritizes the safety of citizens and maintains a pragmatic approach to relations with Russia. He criticized the new Europe as being Russophobic and blindly following American policies to the detriment of its citizens.

Medvedev emphasized the importance of protecting leaders like Fico in Europe and warned of the dangers posed by supporters of Stepan Bandera, a controversial figure in Ukrainian history. Bandera, the leader of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists during World War II, is portrayed differently by various factions in Ukraine and Russia. Putin has referenced Bandera in justifying Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022, claiming the need to “denazify” Kyiv. Despite these claims, Ukraine, the U.S., and experts in the region have refuted Russia’s accusations of Nazism in Ukraine.

The assassination attempt on Fico and the subsequent warnings from Medvedev underscore the complex dynamics and tensions in European politics, particularly in relations with Russia and Ukraine. The incident highlights the ongoing struggle between different narratives and historical interpretations in the region. Medvedev’s statements on Telegram serve as a reflection of Russia’s view on European politics, emphasizing the need for pragmatism and cooperation between nations while criticizing Russophobia and blind allegiance to foreign powers. The situation in Slovakia serves as a reminder of the fragility of political stability and the importance of ensuring the safety of leaders who advocate for peace and dialogue in the region.

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