Melbourne is expected to experience a warm spell with temperatures reaching 20 degrees for four consecutive days as Victoria transitions towards spring. Despite this, winter is not yet over as a cold front is forecasted to arrive over the weekend. The Bureau of Meteorology predicted sunny days with minimal chances of rain at the beginning of the week, with temperatures slightly above the August average. A high-pressure system over the Tasman Sea was driving warmer northerly winds towards Victoria, resulting in the warm weather pattern.

On Monday, the city of Melbourne enjoyed a sunny day with a top of 20 degrees, setting the tone for a pleasant start to the week. Tuesday and Wednesday also saw maximum temperatures of 20 degrees with mostly sunny conditions expected. However, showers were predicted for Wednesday evening, but the temperature was still anticipated to remain relatively warm. Thursday was forecasted to be partly cloudy with a chance of rain, while Friday had a high chance of showers but a temperature of 19 degrees was still expected.

Meteorologist Belinda House explained that the warm trend was the result of a high-pressure system pushing northerly winds across Victoria, while low-pressure systems in the south ensured uninterrupted warm air flow. Despite the consecutive days of 20-degree temperatures, House emphasized that this did not signify the end of winter as a cold front originating from the Great Australian Bight was set to reach Melbourne over the weekend. This cold front was projected to cause a drop in temperatures, with Sunday’s maximum expected to be 14 degrees.

The August average maximum temperature for Melbourne is 23.8 degrees, making the current warm spell slightly above average but not unprecedented. While the warmer days were a welcome change, residents were reminded to not get too comfortable as winter weather could still make a return. By the weekend, the temperatures were expected to cool down significantly, serving as a reminder that spring had not yet fully taken over from winter. Overall, the fluctuating weather patterns reflected the transition between seasons that is typical during this time of year.

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