A group of vulnerable House Democrats, including those in key battleground states, have aligned with a left-wing Gen Z advocacy group called Voters of Tomorrow ahead of the 2024 elections. This group supports policies such as decriminalizing prostitution and abolishing cash bail. Representatives like Matt Cartwright from Pennsylvania expressed enthusiasm for the endorsement, stating that giving young Americans a voice in shaping their future is important. Voters of Tomorrow focuses on justice issues such as dismantling racist institutions, stricter gun control, and ending abusive practices by agencies like ICE and CBP. The group has engaged 36 members of Congress in a “Youth Vote Champion” pledge to connect with young Gen Z voters.

Several of the House members who partnered with Voters of Tomorrow are located in swing-districts, including Cartwright, Greg Landsman of Ohio, Mary Peltola of Alaska, and Susan Wild of Pennsylvania. These representatives were identified by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee as vulnerable in the 2024 elections and were part of the Frontline Program for vulnerable incumbents. They celebrated the opportunity to work with Voters of Tomorrow and engage young voters in the political process. However, the National Republican Congressional Committee criticized these Democrats, labeling them as “complete frauds” for aligning with a group that supports controversial policies like abolishing cash bail and decriminalizing sex work.

The current election cycle is marked by concerns over immigration, the economy, and rising crime rates, including high-profile incidents like smash-and-grab robberies and carjackings. Prostitution has become a prevalent issue in certain areas, with California and New York City experiencing a surge in street-based sex work. Voters of Tomorrow advocates for the decriminalization of prostitution, arguing that sex work is a form of labor and that criminalizing it violates individuals’ right to autonomy and privacy. Additionally, the group supports ending cash bail, as they believe it disproportionately affects low-income individuals and denies them equal access to justice.

Voters of Tomorrow was founded in 2019 by a 17-year-old immigrant from Mexico named Santiago Mayer, who noticed a lack of political engagement among his peers. The group has since focused on mobilizing Gen Z voters in elections, including the 2020 presidential election and the 2022 midterms. The Republican Party’s lackluster performance in the 2022 midterms has been attributed to a failure to engage with Gen Z voters, who overwhelmingly favored Democratic candidates. Fox News contributor Liz Peek wrote in an op-ed that Gen Z’s significant turnout and Democratic leanings were a major factor in preventing a red wave for the GOP in recent elections.

The alignment of vulnerable House Democrats with Voters of Tomorrow underscores the importance of engaging with young voters, particularly Gen Z, in shaping the future political landscape. The endorsement reflects a commitment from these representatives to empower the next generation and address issues that resonate with younger voters. As the election season progresses, the impact of Gen Z voters and their support for progressive policies like decriminalizing prostitution and abolishing cash bail will likely shape the political discourse and strategies of both major parties. The ongoing efforts of advocacy groups like Voters of Tomorrow to mobilize young voters and promote social justice initiatives play a crucial role in influencing the direction of the country’s political agenda.

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