Candidate José Luis Sanz of the PP won the mayoral election in Seville without an absolute majority, leading to speculation that Vox, with three councilors, could become part of the city council. Negotiations between the PP and Vox have been confirmed by Vox’s spokesperson Cristina Peláez, but denied by the PP at various levels. The possibility of Vox entering the municipal government of Seville has been a topic of discussion for several months, but no official agreement has been reached yet.

The PP has categorically denied any negotiations with Vox for entry into the Seville city council, despite confirmation from Vox’s spokesperson. Both parties have reacted to reports of a potential agreement for Vox councilors to join the government after the European elections. The PP maintains that Seville’s current government is working for the general interest of its citizens, and denies the existence of any agreement with Vox. There is a concern within the PP that sharing power with Vox could impact their image negatively, especially ahead of the European elections.

During the election campaign, Sanz did not oppose the idea of including Vox in the municipal government, although he preferred to govern in minority. Ultimately, the decision lies with what is best for the national interests of the PP. The PP of Seville and Vox both acknowledge that no agreement has been reached, but negotiations are ongoing. The opposition of Vox to many PP initiatives in Seville has highlighted the challenges of governance with a minority government.

The situation in Seville has similarities to what happened in Segovia, where Vox councilors were expected to join the government. However, in Seville, there is no written agreement between the two parties, unlike the case in Segovia. The uncertainty surrounding the potential agreement has created tension between the parties and has raised concerns about the effectiveness of the current government. There are accusations of electoral strategies influencing the decision-making process within the PP.

Former Seville mayor Antonio Muñoz and leaders of other political parties have criticized the potential alliance between the PP and Vox. Muñoz believes that there are strong indications of a pact between the two parties based on recent collaborations in city council sessions. The situation has created divisions and tension within the political landscape of Seville, as various parties position themselves in response to the potential agreement between the PP and Vox.

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