The Istanbul Provincial Election Board has overturned the rejection decision made by the Beykoz District Election Board regarding a recount of the votes for the district mayor election. The decision was based on the fact that in some of the ballot result reports submitted to the Beykoz District Election Board, the invalidity reasons for invalid votes were not written, in some cases the invalidity reasons were not classified, or ambiguous expressions were written. The Istanbul Provincial Election Board determined that the objection to the recount of votes was not unreasonable or abstract, as stated in the decision of the District Election Board, and therefore decided that the district mayor election ballots should be recounted.

The decision was made to ensure that the election results are determined accurately and completely. According to the temporary consolidation reports, there is a difference of 1433 votes between the winning candidate of the Beykoz District Municipality and the second candidate, and the number of invalid votes exceeds this difference by 5167. Therefore, the request for a recount of the votes was deemed necessary in order to clarify the validity of the election results and address any discrepancies that may exist.

As a result of this decision by the Istanbul Provincial Election Board, the ballots for the district mayor election in Beykoz will be recounted by the District Election Board. This recount is seen as a necessary step in ensuring the transparency and fairness of the election process, as well as upholding the democratic principles of free and fair elections. The recount will help to clarify any issues regarding the validity of the votes and provide a more accurate and reliable determination of the election results.

The decision to recount the votes in Beykoz has been met with mixed reactions from various political parties and candidates. While some have welcomed the decision as a way to ensure the integrity of the election process, others have expressed concerns about the potential delays and complications that may arise from the recount. However, the Istanbul Provincial Election Board has emphasized the importance of conducting a recount in order to address any discrepancies and ensure that the election results accurately reflect the will of the voters.

Overall, the decision to recount the votes in Beykoz highlights the importance of transparency, accountability, and fairness in the electoral process. By ensuring that the election results are determined accurately and completely, the Istanbul Provincial Election Board is taking a crucial step in upholding the democratic values and principles of free and fair elections. The recount will provide clarity and confidence in the election results, and help to strengthen the democratic processes in the region.

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