Bystanders outside the New York City courthouse where former President Trump is facing criminal charges shared their predictions on the trial’s outcome as the jury continued its second day of deliberations. Some supporters of Trump expressed confidence in his innocence, with one woman calling Judge Juan Merchan “evil” and “stupid.” Others believed that the trial was making Democrats look bad and criticized the charges against Trump as being brought unfairly. One man predicted a hung jury, while another suggested that a guilty verdict was likely even though he believed there was no actual crime.

Meanwhile, not all bystanders were there to support Trump, with one native New Yorker describing herself as a “life-long Democrat” and Biden supporter. She expressed belief in the evidence presented in the trial and said that if she were on the jury, she would support a conviction. She also expressed concern about the possibility of Trump getting re-elected. The jury was released on Thursday after requesting Judge Merchan to reread deliberation instructions and rehearing testimony from key witnesses in the case.

Supporters of Trump continued to express unwavering belief in his innocence, with one woman traveling from Delaware to support him and praying for his victory in the trial. Another supporter from Florida believed that the trial was a spectacle that was not reflective of justice or the American judiciary system. She criticized the charges brought against Trump, questioning the jurisdiction of the prosecuting attorney. Despite differing opinions on the trial’s outcome, Trump supporters at the courthouse expressed a unified belief in his innocence and opposition to the prosecution.

One man at the courthouse predicted that a hung jury was likely, with a guilty verdict being the alternative outcome if there were no holdouts. He expressed skepticism about the complexity and validity of the charges against Trump, suggesting that the jury’s decision would be arbitrary. He also believed that an appeal would be pursued if Trump were convicted. Overall, opinions on the trial’s outcome varied among bystanders at the courthouse, with some expressing support for Trump and others questioning the validity of the charges against him.

The trial surrounding former President Trump’s criminal charges continues to provoke strong reactions from bystanders and onlookers outside the New York City courthouse. Supporters of Trump remain steadfast in their belief in his innocence and criticize the trial as a political spectacle that undermines justice. On the other hand, critics of Trump express confidence in the evidence presented and fear the implications of a potential acquittal on his chances of reelection. The diverse range of opinions at the courthouse reflects the deeply divided political landscape in the United States. Despite the differing perspectives, all eyes remain on the jury’s deliberations and the potential implications of their verdict on Trump’s future.

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