Incumbent President Luis Abinader is expected to have a strong showing in the Dominican Republic’s upcoming presidential elections. His policies on migration and the economy have garnered widespread popularity among voters. Abinader, a former businessman and leader of the Modern Revolutionary Party, has positioned himself as one of the most popular leaders in the Americas. He has emphasized his handling of the COVID-19 crisis, his stance on the border with Haiti, and his crusade against corruption as key factors in his campaign. Trailing behind him are former President Leonel Fernandez and Mayor Abel Martinez.

Much of Abinader’s popularity stems from his government’s tough approach to the situation at the border with Haiti. Following political instability and violence in Haiti after the assassination of President Jovenel Moise in 2021, there has been an increase in Haitian migrants seeking refuge in the Dominican Republic. The Dominican government has responded by stepping up deportations of Haitian migrants and announcing plans to build a border wall. These actions have drawn criticism from human rights organizations, which have labeled them as racist and a violation of international law. However, the policies remain popular among many Dominicans, including Abinader supporters.

The migrant crisis and the government’s response to it have become key issues in the election. Abinader’s approval ratings stand at around 70 percent, indicating his strong support among voters. Many Dominicans are concerned about the influx of Haitian migrants and view it as a pressing issue that needs to be addressed. For some voters, migration is a top concern that will influence their decision at the polls. If Abinader receives over 50 percent of the vote, he will secure another term without the need for a second round of voting. If no candidate reaches this threshold, a second round will be held on June 30.

In addition to the presidential elections, Dominicans are also voting in legislative elections. The voting process began early in the morning and will continue until the evening, with initial results expected later in the day. The outcome of the elections will have significant implications for the country’s future, as the chosen candidates will be tasked with addressing pressing issues such as migration, corruption, inflation, and inequality. Abinader’s strong showing in the polls reflects the support he has garnered for his policies and his leadership during challenging times. The election results will ultimately determine the direction the Dominican Republic takes in the coming years under the leadership of the chosen president and lawmakers.

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