Ten renowned European cartoonists have had their work animated to encourage participation in the European elections taking place from 6-9 June. This initiative, led by Euronews, Europeans Without Borders, and Cartooning for Peace, aims to raise awareness, promote freedom of expression, and combat the threat of abstention in the elections. The animations, produced by the IDSIDE studio, feature the work of cartoonists from various European countries including Portugal, Ukraine, the Netherlands, France, Spain, Germany, Belgium, Turkey, and Hungary. Through this campaign, the organizations hope to engage the public and emphasize the importance of voting in shaping a democratic and vibrant Europe amidst growing criticism and challenges facing the EU.

With citizens of the 27 European Union countries preparing to elect their representatives in the European Parliament for the next five years, the stakes are high. Amidst mounting criticism of the EU, emerging threats to European democracies, and the looming climate crisis, it is crucial for people to actively participate in the electoral process. The animated series of cartoons serves as a creative and engaging way to communicate the significance of this election and encourage citizens to make informed choices that contribute to a plural and dynamic Europe. By highlighting the diverse perspectives and talents of the cartoonists involved, the campaign seeks to inspire individuals to exercise their right to vote and support democratic values in the face of prevailing challenges.

Cartooning for Peace, founded in 2006 by Nobel Peace Prize laureate Kofi Annan and press cartoonist Plantu, has been at the forefront of advocating for freedom of expression and promoting dialogue through the power of cartoons. Led by French press cartoonist Kak, the organization aims to use humor and creativity to address pressing social and political issues. By collaborating with European Without Borders and Euronews, Cartooning for Peace is leveraging the art of animation to reach a wider audience and spark conversations about the importance of civic engagement and democratic participation in shaping the future of Europe.

The animated series, supported by the Hippocrène Foundation, the Naumann Foundation, and the European Cultural Foundation, is a testament to the collective effort to mobilize individuals in support of a democratic and vibrant Europe. Through the dissemination of these animations on Euronews and social media platforms, the campaign seeks to engage viewers across Europe and encourage them to reflect on the values that underpin a strong and inclusive European community. By sharing the cartoons and participating in the campaign, individuals are invited to join a broader movement towards strengthening democracy, promoting pluralism, and fostering a spirit of cooperation and solidarity across the continent.

As the European elections draw near, the campaign stands as a reminder of the importance of civic engagement and the role that each individual plays in shaping the future of Europe. By showcasing the diverse perspectives and talent of the cartoonists involved, the animated series brings attention to pressing issues facing the continent and encourages viewers to consider the implications of their vote. In a time of uncertainty and challenges, the campaign serves as a call to action for citizens to actively participate in the democratic process, support freedom of expression, and champion the values that uphold a united and diverse Europe. Through the power of animation and humor, the campaign aims to inspire individuals to take part in building a more inclusive, democratic, and vibrant European community.

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