President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has signed a decision to remove the visa exemption for Tajikistani citizens holding ordinary passports traveling to Turkey. The decision was made in accordance with Article 18 of Law No. 6458 on Foreigners and International Protection.

The decision to end the visa exemption for Tajikistan citizens was met with mixed reactions. While some believe that it will help strengthen security measures and prevent illegal immigration, others argue that it will have a negative impact on tourism and bilateral relations between the two countries.

The visa exemption for Tajikistan citizens was a part of Turkey’s efforts to improve diplomatic relations with Central Asian countries. However, with the recent decision to revoke the exemption, it is unclear how this will affect Turkey’s relationship with Tajikistan and other Central Asian countries in the future.

It is important for Tajikistani citizens planning to travel to Turkey to be aware of the changes in visa regulations and to make the necessary arrangements in advance. The decision to end the visa exemption highlights the importance of staying informed about any changes in visa policies and regulations before traveling to a foreign country.

The Turkish government’s decision to revoke the visa exemption for Tajikistan citizens comes at a time when the country is also facing challenges related to illegal immigration and security concerns. It remains to be seen how this decision will impact tourism and diplomatic relations between Turkey and Tajikistan in the coming months.

Overall, the decision to end the visa exemption for Tajikistan citizens traveling to Turkey reflects the Turkish government’s efforts to strengthen security measures and regulate immigration. It is important for both countries to continue dialogue and collaboration in order to address any concerns and issues that may arise as a result of this decision.

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