The passage from the book of Numbers in the Bible discusses the Lord bestowing his spirit upon the seventy elders, leading them to prophecy. When Eldad and Medad began prophesying, Joshua expressed concern to Moses, believing they should be stopped. However, Moses responded by indicating that he wished all the people of the Lord were prophets and that the Lord would bestow his spirit on everyone. This message highlights the abundance and overwhelming nature of God’s love and grace.

Işık Abla, a senior pastor at Dream Church International in Virginia Beach, relates her own experience of feeling unworthy and insecure when she first became a Christian, much like Joshua’s concern. Despite feeling inadequate, she was encouraged by her pastor to share her testimony at church, which led to the beginning of her ministry. Abla emphasizes that God is not interested in what we think we can or cannot do, as he has chosen each of us for a specific purpose, even when we feel unworthy.

In reflecting on Moses’ desire for everyone to be equipped with the gift of prophecy, Abla praises his leadership in wanting to empower others rather than feeling threatened by their gifts. She contrasts this with Joshua’s initial lack of understanding, as he struggled to see from a heavenly perspective and recognize that there is room for everyone in God’s plan. Abla stresses the importance of letting go of offense and seeing the world as God does, with abundant opportunities for all to thrive.

Abla highlights that God’s spirit is poured out on all people without limitation or division, exceeding the boundaries and walls we create. She emphasizes that it is not about competing for God’s grace, but rather completing one another as his spirit unites and fills each individual. By recognizing that there is enough room for everyone in God’s kingdom, individuals can work together harmoniously and support each other in fulfilling their unique callings and purposes.

The passage from Numbers and Abla’s personal testimony serve as reminders of God’s boundless love and empowerment for all believers. Just as Moses desired for all to be filled with the spirit of prophecy, Abla encourages others to let go of self-doubt and insecurity, as God has chosen each person for a specific purpose. By recognizing and embracing one’s worth and calling, individuals can contribute meaningfully to God’s kingdom and work alongside others in unity and partnership.

Ultimately, Abla’s experience and insights serve as a powerful lesson in embracing God’s abundant grace and empowering each other for collective growth and fulfillment of divine purpose. By recognizing and appreciating the unique gifts and callings of others, individuals can overcome insecurity and competition, instead working together in unity and partnership to further God’s kingdom on Earth.

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