Elizabeth Teckenbrock, a single mother who gained fame for sobbing while making a cake for her birthday, has become involved in a public feud with her ex-husband, Andrew Cormier. Teckenbrock has accused him of being abusive and a member of the Church of Scientology. In response to Cormier’s claims that he has full custody of their children and her prior fraud charges, Teckenbrock released a video denying his allegations.

Teckenbrock alleges that Cormier has been spreading negative information about her online since she left him, suggesting that his ties to the Scientology community may be influencing his behavior. She claims that he was abusive during their marriage and tried to use her past arrest against her. Despite this, she states that she still sees her children and is actively involved in their lives.

The custody agreement between Teckenbrock and Cormier, according to her, was a result of her leaving him due to abuse and feeling helpless at the time. She mentions that Cormier offered her a deal in exchange for signing papers that wouldn’t change the custody arrangement. Teckenbrock admits to not being perfect and making mistakes, such as going out with friends after the divorce, but denies ever putting her children in danger.

Teckenbrock also accuses Cormier of having restraining orders issued against him by other women and suggests that his behavior is part of a pattern of trying to ruin her life. She claims that due to the public attention on their situation, she has received death threats and feels targeted by her ex-husband. Despite the ongoing conflict, she maintains that her children have never been unsafe with her and that she has always prioritized being a mother.

In response to Teckenbrock’s accusations, Cormier denies being a Scientologist and denies creating the negative website about her. He plans to present his side of the story with “straight facts” in the near future. Teckenbrock’s social media accounts, including her TikTok, have been deactivated, but her Instagram account is still active. A website featuring her mugshot and arrest history has also appeared online, claiming to be run by fans researching a public figure.

Teckenbrock’s emotional video addresses the difficulties she has faced following her separation from Cormier. She describes feeling trapped in an abusive marriage and struggling with the aftermath of leaving him. Despite trying to keep their issues private for the sake of their children, she feels compelled to speak out due to the negative information being spread about her. She ends by sharing a cease and desist letter filed against Cormier and expressing her frustration with the situation.

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