Some Los Angeles parents are advocating for the return of police on school campuses in response to a rise in violent incidents following the removal of officers in the aftermath of the George Floyd riots in 2020. Maria Luisa Palma, a member of the Parents Advisory Committee, organized an independent petition calling for the return of police as district data showed a significant increase in violent incidents from 2,315 in the 2018-2019 school year to 4,569 in 2022-2023. Palma’s petition has garnered over 2,500 signatures from parents across various schools, highlighting concerns about fights, open drug use, and safety issues on campuses.

Students Deserve, a progressive grassroots student organization advocating for the abolition of police in schools, successfully pressured the LAUSD and school board to divest money from the Los Angeles School District Police. The group argued that the presence of police officers on school campuses contributed to the criminalization of students, especially those from Black and brown communities, creating a hostile and intimidating learning environment. Students Deserve, in partnership with Black Lives Matter-Los Angeles and the California Teachers Association, urged the school district to reallocate $25 million from school police to alternative support services like counselors, mental health professionals, and restorative justice programs.

Despite parents’ calls for the return of police officers on school campuses to address the surge in violent incidents, the school board voted unanimously in February 2021 to eliminate officers stationed in schools. The board rejected a resolution in September 2021 that would have reinstated police, citing the need to reallocate resources away from policing and towards alternative support services. Students Deserve representatives regularly attend board meetings to advocate against investing funds in the school’s police department, positioning themselves as a critical voice in opposition to parental desires for increased security measures.

The Students Deserve organization aims to shift the focus of school safety away from policing and towards community-centered solutions that prioritize the well-being of marginalized students. By partnering with influential groups like Black Lives Matter-Los Angeles and the California Teachers Association, Students Deserve has been successful in influencing the school district’s budget priorities and redirecting funds from the school police to alternative student support programs. The group emphasizes the importance of investing in marginalized youth from diverse communities and advocates for a more inclusive and equitable educational environment.

The ongoing debate over the presence of police officers in Los Angeles schools reflects broader societal tensions surrounding issues of policing, racial justice, and school safety. While some parents argue for the reinstatement of police officers as a necessary measure to address rising violence, student-led organizations like Students Deserve push for the abolition of police in schools, citing concerns about the criminalization of students of color and the need for alternative support services. The LAUSD school board continues to navigate these conflicting perspectives as it develops a new safety plan, with the role of police officers in schools remaining a contentious and unresolved issue in the ongoing dialogue about school safety and student well-being.

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