California State Assembly member Vince Fong, backed by former President Donald Trump, won a special election to complete the term of deposed former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy. Fong, a McCarthy protege who also had the former speaker’s endorsement, defeated fellow Republican Mike Boudreaux in the 20th Congressional District in California’s Central Valley. With 65% of votes counted, Fong was leading Boudreaux by a margin of 60% to 39%. McCarthy resigned last year after being ousted, leaving behind a messy race to succeed him that exposed rivalries within his own party. The race between Fong and Boudreaux will be watched as a possible proxy vote on Trump’s influence as he moves toward a likely matchup against President Biden in November.

The special election only covers the remainder of McCarthy’s term, with Fong and Boudreaux set to compete again in November for a full two-year term. Trump endorsed Fong in February, while Boudreaux’s supporters include former acting director of national intelligence Richard Grenell and Republican state Sen. Shannon Grove. The district once held by McCarthy remaining in GOP hands will give Republicans 12 seats in California’s U.S. House delegation, boosting the party’s fragile edge in Congress by a single vote. With 217 Republicans in the House, 213 Democrats, and five vacancies, the outcome of the race could have implications for the balance of power.

Both Fong and Boudreaux are conservative Republicans and Trump supporters with similar policy positions. Boudreaux has emphasized his law enforcement experience and border security proposals, while Fong also prioritizes border security along with water and energy needs in the farm belt. Fong, a former McCarthy aide with strong support in Kern County, has outraised Boudreaux in campaign funds and received endorsements from both Trump and McCarthy. The race has attracted national attention due to Trump’s involvement and the potential impact on the upcoming elections.

The endorsement of Fong by both Trump and McCarthy, as well as the financial support from a political action committee linked to McCarthy, has provided Fong with significant advantages in the race. The district, which has historically been held by Republicans, will likely remain in GOP hands with Fong’s victory, giving the party a slight edge in Congress. The upcoming rematch between Fong and Boudreaux in November for a full term will further test the influence of Trump and the GOP in the state’s political landscape. With only 11 Republican-held seats out of 52 in California’s U.S. House delegation, the outcome of this race will be closely monitored for its potential impact on the balance of power in Congress.

As the special election completes the term of deposed former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, the contest between Fong and Boudreaux has significant implications for California’s U.S. House delegation. With Fong’s victory, Republicans will hold 12 seats in the state delegation, potentially increasing their influence in Congress. The support from Trump and McCarthy, as well as Fong’s strong fundraising advantage, have positioned him as the frontrunner in the race. The rematch between Fong and Boudreaux in November will further test the strength of Republican support in California and could have broader implications for the national political landscape as the country heads toward the next election cycle.

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