The latest docuseries “Chimp Crazy,” directed by Eric Goode, has sparked reactions from animal rights groups and viewers, shining a spotlight on exotic animals. The series revolves around Tonia Haddix, an exotic animal broker who cared for seven chimpanzees and bred them for films and photo shoots. Haddix had a strong attachment to one chimp, Tonka, who was eventually found in a cage in her basement by federal authorities. Tonka was later moved to a sanctuary in Florida, where he was able to live with other chimpanzees.

Viewers of the series took to social media to express their thoughts on the ethical treatment of the primates. Some expressed disbelief that anyone could purchase a chimpanzee, while others questioned the owners’ motivations and the animals’ well-being. Many viewers were moved to tears by the heartbreaking stories depicted in the series. Some viewers expressed support for Haddix, acknowledging her good intentions despite the controversial circumstances surrounding her care of the chimps.

PETA Foundation General Counsel Brittany Peet, who appeared in the series, highlighted the exploitative nature of the exotic animal industry portrayed in “Chimp Crazy.” She urged viewers to be moved by the series, which sheds light on the dangers and ethical concerns surrounding the ownership of chimpanzees as pets or props. PETA even announced a $10,000 reward for tips leading to the confiscation of chimpanzees like those featured in the series.

Despite the mixed reactions from viewers, many praised the series for its captivating storytelling and archival footage. Some viewers found the series to be incredibly impactful and eye-opening, prompting discussions around the treatment of exotic animals. While some viewers sympathized with Haddix and her intentions, others were critical of the decisions made by individuals who keep such animals captive, leading to potentially harmful and traumatic experiences for the animals.

Overall, “Chimp Crazy” has brought attention to the complex and often troubling world of exotic animal ownership, particularly focusing on the care and treatment of chimpanzees. The series has prompted discussions around the ethical implications of keeping primates in captivity, as well as the potential risks and consequences of exploiting these intelligent and social animals for human gain. Through powerful storytelling and emotional narratives, “Chimp Crazy” has challenged viewers to reflect on their own attitudes towards exotic animal ownership and the broader issues of animal welfare.

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