The shocking incident in Eugene, Oregon, where a runaway saw blade narrowly missed a man entering a store was captured on surveillance video. Shane Reimche was entering the Quicktrips Neighborhood Market when the nearly 4-foot blade came hurtling towards him after breaking loose from a nearby construction site. Fortunately, Reimche was able to duck behind the counter at the last minute, escaping unharmed. The impact of the blade hitting the building was so powerful that it shook the entire store.

Store owner Amit Grewal described the terrifying experience of hearing the metal rolling down the street and then a loud bang as the blade slammed into the building. The blade had come loose from a construction site operated by Northwest Natural Gas and the companies they contracted, Brix Paving Northwest, and Integrity Traffic. It is believed that a bolt came loose or there was an operator error while fixing a leaky gas valve. The gas company stated that they were glad nobody was injured in the incident, which they attributed to the contractor’s negligence.

The blade had lodged itself deep into the ground just outside the store’s entrance, leaving a visible hole in the wall. Reimche described feeling petrified and shaking after the incident, needing time to compose himself before being able to speak about the ordeal. He expressed his gratitude for having escaped death and was emotionally affected, hugging his children tightly as they cried together. Reimche admitted that he felt it was the closest he had ever come to death and was still shaken by the experience, deciding not to go to work that day and needing a beer to calm his nerves.

The surveillance footage of the incident showed the blade slipping through parked cars in the lot, skidding across the pavement, and narrowly missing Reimche as he entered the store. Reimche recalled the loud bang and yelling as he saw the blade coming towards him, reacting quickly to duck behind the counter and avoid being hit. The store owner, Amit Grewal, mentioned that the impact of the blade hitting the building created a cloud of smoke and caused the store to shake, emphasizing how close the situation came to being fatal.

The gas company issued a statement expressing relief that no one was injured in the bizarre incident and placing blame on the contractor for the negligence that led to the blade breaking loose. Reimche’s experience of narrowly escaping death was a traumatic one that left him visibly shaken and emotionally affected. The incident served as a reminder of how fragile life can be and the importance of cherishing loved ones. Reimche’s decision to take a day off work to recover from the shock reflected the gravity of the situation and the need for time to process what had happened.

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