Emmanuel Macron and his Cameroonian counterpart, Paul Biya, spoke on Thursday, August 15 at the Boulouris necropolis in Saint-Raphaël (Var). The heads of state and government of Gabon, Comoros, Central African Republic, Togo, and Morocco were also present. President Biya highlighted the contribution of African peoples, foreigners, and African soldiers in the Allied victory. Macron acknowledged their sacrifices and emphasized the importance of remembering them by naming streets and places after them to preserve their legacy in history. Six Legion of Honour awards were presented to six veterans, five French and one foreign.

The ceremony at the Boulouris necropolis was attended by various African leaders and French officials as they paid tribute to the sacrifices of African soldiers in World War II. President Biya emphasized the significant role played by African soldiers in achieving the Allied victory, highlighting the contributions of foreign and Black African troops. Macron echoed his sentiments by expressing France’s gratitude for these sacrifices and calling for their names to be immortalized in French streets and landmarks. The event symbolized a gesture of remembrance and appreciation for the African soldiers’ bravery and heroism.

During the ceremony, six veterans were honored with the Legion of Honour awards, recognizing their service and dedication during World War II. This gesture was a way to commemorate their contributions and sacrifices, as well as to acknowledge their role in the Allied victory. The presence of various African leaders and French officials underscored the importance of remembering the history and sacrifices of African soldiers in the fight against Nazism and fascism. The event served as a reminder of the shared history and solidarity between France and African nations.

The speeches delivered by President Biya and President Macron highlighted the significance of honoring the contributions of African soldiers in World War II. Biya emphasized the collective effort of various peoples and nations in achieving victory, while Macron stressed the importance of commemorating and remembering the sacrifices made by African soldiers. The ceremony at the Boulouris necropolis was a symbolic moment of remembrance and reflection on the bravery and heroism of African soldiers who fought for freedom and justice during the war. The Legion of Honour awards presented to the veterans were a token of appreciation for their service and dedication to the Allied cause.

The presence of African leaders at the ceremony underscored the unity and solidarity between France and African nations in honoring the memory of African soldiers. The event served as a platform for dialogue and exchange between different countries, fostering a sense of unity and shared history. By recognizing and commemorating the sacrifices of African soldiers in World War II, the ceremony at the Boulouris necropolis highlighted the importance of preserving the memory of their contributions and ensuring that their legacy lives on. The event was a powerful reminder of the enduring bond between France and African nations, rooted in a common history of struggle and liberation.

In conclusion, the ceremony at the Boulouris necropolis was a poignant moment of remembrance and tribute to the African soldiers who fought bravely during World War II. President Biya and President Macron’s speeches underscored the importance of honoring and commemorating the sacrifices of African soldiers in the Allied victory. By presenting the Legion of Honour awards to the veterans, France paid homage to their service and dedication, ensuring that their legacy remains alive in history. The event symbolized a gesture of unity and solidarity between France and African nations, highlighting the shared history and collective effort to achieve freedom and justice.

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