The video was released by former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, who obtained it as part of his upcoming book release. In the video, Pelosi can be heard stating that “he [Trump] has to pay a price for letting this happen.” This statement directly implicates Trump in the Capitol attack, suggesting that he bears responsibility for the violence and chaos that unfolded on January 6th.

Pelosi’s remarks highlight the growing tension and animosity towards Trump in the aftermath of the Capitol attack. Her comments reflect a widespread belief that Trump’s actions and rhetoric played a significant role in inciting the violence that took place that day. Many lawmakers and officials have condemned Trump for his role in the attack, with some even calling for his impeachment or removal from office.

The release of this video also raises questions about the impact of Trump’s presidency and how he will be remembered in history. Pelosi’s statement suggests that Trump’s legacy will be forever tainted by the events of January 6th and that he will be held accountable for his role in inciting the violence. This further adds to the controversy and divisiveness surrounding Trump’s presidency and his impact on American politics.

The video’s release comes at a time when Trump’s political future is uncertain, with many speculating about whether he will run for president again in 2024. Pelosi’s remarks could potentially be used against Trump in any future political campaigns or legal proceedings, as they serve as evidence of his alleged involvement in the Capitol attack. This could further damage Trump’s reputation and credibility among voters and lawmakers.

Overall, Pelosi’s comments in the video represent a broader sentiment among many Americans and officials that Trump must be held accountable for his actions both before and after the Capitol attack. The video serves as a reminder of the divisive and tumultuous nature of Trump’s presidency and the lasting impact it has had on American politics. It also underscores the ongoing debate about Trump’s legacy and how he will be remembered in history, particularly in light of the events of January 6th.

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