The tragic crash of flight instructor Charles “Chuck” Coleman at a New Mexico air show was captured on video by a spectator, revealing the moments leading up to the devastating incident. The aircraft spiraled downward and crashed into the ground during an acrobatics performance at the Las Cruces Air and Space Expo. Shocked witnesses described the impact as a big puff of dirt, prompting immediate reactions from onlookers and emergency crews at the scene. The National Transportation Safety Board is currently investigating the crash of the Extra Flugzeugbau GMBH EA 300/L airplane, which occurred around 2:30 p.m. local time on Sunday.

Coleman, who had accumulated over 10,000 hours of flight time, was known as an experienced flight instructor and aerospace engineer. He had also played a key role in preparing actors for the movie “Top Gun: Maverick,” flying 140 flights to help them train for their roles as Navy F-18 Hornet pilots. Miles Teller, one of the stars of the film, paid tribute to Coleman, highlighting his expertise, kindness, and humble nature. Despite the tragic end to Coleman’s life, his contributions to the world of aviation and entertainment will always be remembered and cherished.

The aftermath of the crash left spectators and officials shocked and saddened by the loss of Chuck Coleman. Las Cruces Mayor Eric Enriquez extended his deepest condolences to Coleman’s loved ones and fans, emphasizing the impact of his presence at the Air and Space Expo. The incident serves as a sobering reminder of the dangers associated with aviation and the risks that pilots and performers take in their pursuit of excellence and entertainment. The community mourns the loss of a talented aviator and instructor who had dedicated his life to the world of flight.

The video footage of the crash captured the intensity and suddenness of the tragedy, leaving an indelible mark on those who witnessed it. The announcer at the air show urged spectators to refrain from sharing the incident on social media, allowing emergency crews to respond to the scene and attend to the aftermath of the crash. As investigations continue into the cause of the accident, questions arise about the safety protocols in place during air shows and the measures taken to prevent such disasters from occurring in the future. The aviation community must come together to learn from this tragedy and work towards creating a safer environment for pilots and performers alike.

Chuck Coleman’s impact on the world of aviation, both as a flight instructor and a test pilot, was significant and far-reaching. His involvement in preparing actors for a major Hollywood film showcased his expertise and dedication to his craft. The loss of such a talented and beloved individual has left a void in the hearts of many who knew and worked with him. As tributes pour in from those who mourn his passing, the legacy of Chuck Coleman will continue to inspire future generations of pilots and aviation enthusiasts.

In the wake of the tragic crash at the Las Cruces Air and Space Expo, the focus is on honoring the memory of Chuck Coleman and ensuring that his contributions to the world of flight are never forgotten. The investigation into the circumstances surrounding the accident will shed light on any potential factors that may have led to the crash. As the aviation community grapples with the loss of one of its own, there is a renewed commitment to safety and vigilance in order to prevent similar tragedies from occurring in the future. Chuck Coleman’s impact will live on in the hearts and minds of all those who were touched by his passion for aviation and his dedication to excellence in his field.

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