Pablo Iglesias, who at the age of 35 led the Podemos party in its first elections in 2014, reflects on the political and personal cost of his involvement in politics, stating that he would not go back and do it again. He is joined in this sentiment by Teresa Rodríguez, who was the number two on the European elections list and left Podemos in 2020. She recalls the “vertigo” she felt ten years ago and the pressure of meeting the expectations of entering the European Parliament. Miguel Urbán, who is still in the European Parliament until the end of the current term with a different political group, ‘Anticapitalistas,’ expresses surprise at the strong impact of that night in 2014.

Pablo Iglesias describes the toll that politics has taken on him, both personally and politically, and expresses regret at the consequences of his involvement in the political arena. Teresa Rodríguez shares this sentiment, reflecting on the pressure and expectations that come with being in the public eye. Miguel Urbán, while still actively engaged in politics, also acknowledges the unexpected intensity of their entrance into the European Parliament in 2014. The experience has left a lasting impact on all of them, leading them to reconsider their involvement.

The article highlights the challenges and sacrifices that come with being involved in politics, as seen through the experiences of Pablo Iglesias, Teresa Rodríguez, and Miguel Urbán. They all express a sense of disillusionment and regret over their decisions to enter the political arena, citing the heavy toll it has taken on them personally and professionally. Despite their initial excitement and enthusiasm for making a difference, they now struggle with the weight of their responsibilities and the impact on their personal lives.

The article also touches on the unexpected consequences of their political involvement, particularly in regard to the success and fame that followed their entry into the European Parliament. While they initially may have been motivated by a desire to effect change and challenge the status quo, they now grapple with the harsh realities and compromises that come with being in the public eye. This has led them all to reassess their priorities and reconsider their future in politics, with some choosing to step back and others opting to continue their engagement in a different capacity.

In reflecting on their past decisions and experiences, Pablo Iglesias, Teresa Rodríguez, and Miguel Urbán all express a sense of disillusionment and regret over their involvement in politics. They acknowledge the high personal and political costs involved, as well as the toll it has taken on their lives and well-being. This serves as a cautionary tale for those considering a career in politics, highlighting the challenges and sacrifices that come with the pursuit of power and influence.

Despite their regrets and disillusionment, Pablo Iglesias, Teresa Rodríguez, and Miguel Urbán also express a sense of resignation and acceptance of their choices. They acknowledge that the path they have chosen has had far-reaching consequences, both positive and negative, and that they must now live with the consequences of their actions. This introspective reflection serves as a reminder of the complexities and uncertainties of political life, and the need for individuals to carefully consider their motivations and priorities before embarking on a career in politics.

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