Three construction contractors and landowners were brought to the Diyarbakır 6th High Criminal Court through the Audio and Video Information System (SEGBİS). The contractors, Mehmet Ali Korkut and Mehmet Meşe, along with landowners Nurettin Özcan and Ahmet Özcan, were all present at the trial from their prison cells.

During the trial, the plaintiffs, who had lost their loved ones in the building collapse during an earthquake, expressed their desire for the defendants to be punished. The public prosecutor, in his indictment, recommended the punishment of the defendants and the continuation of their detention.

Defendant Korkut reiterated his previous statements, claiming his innocence and requesting release and acquittal. Meşe argued that he had constructed the building properly, but it was damaged due to subsequent interventions. He also mentioned his own injuries from being trapped under the rubble during the earthquake, pleading for his release and acquittal.

Nurettin Özcan, another defendant, asserted that he was only the landowner and did not interfere with any part of the construction. He requested his release and acquittal as well. Ahmet Özcan defended himself by stating that he did not contribute to any actions that could endanger the building, asking for a decision in favor of his release and acquittal.

Following the defense statements, the court sentenced the defendants to 17 years and 6 months in prison each for “causing the death and injury of multiple individuals through conscious negligence.” The court ruled for the continued detention of three of the defendants, while Meşe was granted release due to health issues.

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