The defense team of Björn Höcke has filed a revision against the verdict handed down by the Landgericht Halle, where the Thuringian AfD leader was fined for knowingly using a banned SA slogan in a speech. The revision was submitted on Wednesday by Höcke’s lawyer Philip Müller, according to the court’s spokeswoman Adina Kessler-Jensch. Höcke’s co-counsel, Ulrich Vosgerau, confirmed the filing of the revision on Thursday. The politician’s spokesperson, Robert Teske, also verified that the defense team has indeed filed for a revision. Despite being represented by three lawyers in court, only Müller has filed for a revision, as confirmed by another co-counsel Ralf Hornemann.

The case now moves to the Bundesgerichtshof, where only legal violations will be reviewed and no new evidence will be presented. Höcke, who denied the allegations against him, was convicted of using a banned SA slogan and sentenced to a fine of 100 daily rates of 130 euros by the Landgericht Halle. The Public Prosecutor’s Office had requested a suspended sentence of six months and a fine of 10,000 euros for Höcke in their closing arguments. The 52-year-old Thuringian AfD chairman’s verdict remains non-binding until all legal avenues are exhausted, including any appeals from the prosecution.

The controversial case has garnered significant attention, with Höcke’s defense team challenging the court’s ruling based on the use of the banned slogan during his speech. The case has sparked debate regarding freedom of speech and the boundaries of political discourse in Germany, particularly in relation to historical references and symbols. Höcke’s rejection of the accusations and his defense’s commitment to seeking a revision highlight the contentious nature of the legal proceedings and the significance of the outcome in the broader political context.

Höcke’s legal battle is part of a larger debate within the AfD over the party’s rhetoric and political positioning, with some members criticizing his controversial statements and associations. The decision to pursue a revision reflects the determination of both Höcke and his defense team to challenge the court’s ruling and seek a different legal interpretation of the events. The involvement of multiple lawyers in Höcke’s defense underscores the complexity and significance of the case, which has implications not only for the individual involved but also for the broader political landscape in Germany.

As the case progresses to the Bundesgerichtshof, the outcome of the revision process will be closely watched by observers and commentators, who will analyze the legal arguments presented by both sides. The implications of the court’s decision on the future of political discourse in Germany, particularly with respect to historical references and symbols, will be a subject of ongoing debate. The revisions being pursued by Höcke’s defense team indicate a continued legal battle over the interpretation of his speech and the consequences of using banned slogans, reflecting broader concerns about freedom of speech and the boundaries of political expression in Germany.

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