The United States is urging the Venezuelan government to release detailed data regarding the recent presidential election, expressing concerns about the legitimacy of Nicolas Maduro’s victory. Senior Biden administration officials are calling for the release of precinct level results, which are required under Venezuela law. They stress the importance of this data in determining the credibility of the election results and warn that the lack of transparency could raise doubts about the inclusivity and validity of the election.

There are discrepancies between independent analysis and the results announced by Venezuelan authorities, raising red flags about the need for further investigation. The US is considering potential actions if the data is not released or if the results are found to be fraudulent. While sanctions are not ruled out, the US plans to engage with international organizations like the Organization of American States and the G7 to discuss a collective response. The officials emphasize the need for accountability and transparency in the electoral process.

The Biden administration defends the sanctions relief provided to Venezuela, suggesting that the election would not have taken place without this intervention. They acknowledge that allowing an opposition candidate on the ballot and facilitating the voting process were made possible by previous adjustments in the sanctions policy. Moving forward, the US will evaluate its sanctions policy based on the actions taken by Maduro’s government and the overall direction of US-Venezuela bilateral relations.

The presence of international observers at the election is seen as a positive development, providing valuable data on the will of Venezuelan voters despite the lack of transparency from the election commission. The officials believe that the current situation is an improvement from the past, highlighting progress in terms of understanding the preferences of Venezuelan citizens. The US remains committed to promoting democracy and rule of law in Venezuela, and will continue to engage with international partners to address concerns about the electoral process.

Overall, the US is calling for transparency and accountability from the Venezuelan government in releasing detailed election data. The credibility of the election results is at stake, and the US is prepared to take action if necessary. While sanctions are a potential option, the Biden administration will explore a collective response with international partners and assess the impact of sanctions relief on future decisions. The officials emphasize the importance of investigating discrepancies and ensuring that the electoral process reflects the will of the Venezuelan people.

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