The Vatican has declared gender-affirming surgery and surrogacy as grave violations of human dignity, equating them with abortion and euthanasia. The 20-page declaration, titled “Infinite Dignity,” was approved by Pope Francis and emphasizes the belief that God’s plan for humanity includes male and female as separate, biologically distinct beings. The document states that any intervention to change one’s sex risks undermining the unique dignity each person receives from conception.

Although the document has been in the works for five years, its existence was only recently confirmed by Cardinal Víctor Manuel Fernández. While it reaffirms traditional Catholic teachings opposing abortion and euthanasia, it also denounces the criminalization of homosexuality, declaring that being homosexual is not a crime. The Vatican emphasizes the importance of respecting human dignity in all aspects, including addressing poverty, war, human trafficking, and forced migration.

The document also addresses surrogacy, stating that it violates the dignity of both the surrogate mother and the child, asserting that children have the right to a fully human origin. It distinguishes between surrogacy and cases of genital abnormalities that may require medical intervention. While previous Vatican documents have condemned gender fluidity and emphasized the complementarity of male and female sex organs, this new declaration takes a more moderate tone.

Transgender activists have criticized the Vatican’s document as hurtful and ignorant, arguing that gender-affirming health care is essential for many transgender individuals. The distinction made between transgender people and intersex individuals has been met with particular backlash, with activists pointing out the potential harm of surgical interventions on intersex individuals. The document’s timing coincides with increased legislative efforts in the United States to restrict medical care and rights for transgender individuals.

Despite Pope Francis’ efforts to reach out to LGBTQ+ individuals, his denunciation of gender theory and ideological colonization has stirred controversy. Some have applauded the Vatican’s condemnation of legislation and violence against LGBTQ+ people, while others have criticized the lack of consideration for the experiences of real trans individuals. The document raises complex ethical and theological questions surrounding gender identity, biological sex, and human dignity, highlighting the ongoing tensions between traditional doctrine and societal changes.

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