Pope Francis made the decision to skip the traditional Good Friday procession at Rome’s Colosseum to protect his health. The Vatican announced that he would be following the event from his home at the Vatican due to concerns about his frail condition during a busy liturgical period. This decision was made last-minute and brought to mind the time St. John Paul II watched the event from the Apostolic Palace before he passed away in 2005. Francis, who is 87 years old and had part of one lung removed in his youth, has been battling various health issues all winter, including the flu, bronchitis, and cold. He has occasionally had an aide read his speeches and recently skipped his Palm Sunday homily altogether.

Despite appearing in good form earlier on Good Friday for a liturgy at St. Peter’s Basilica, where he remained seated, it was not a physically taxing event. His decision not to attend the procession was made five minutes before it was set to begin, as indicated by the removal of his chair from the platform where he was supposed to preside. This abrupt announcement was reminiscent of his last-minute choice to skip his Palm Sunday homily when he made it clear that he would not be giving it. Francis is scheduled to preside over a lengthy Easter Vigil on Saturday evening, followed by Easter Sunday Mass and his “Urbi et Orbi” speech addressing global crises and threats to humanity on Sunday.

The pontiff’s health history includes having a portion of his large intestine removed in 2021 and two hospitalizations in 2021, one of which was to address intestinal scar tissue from previous surgeries related to diverticulosis. In his memoirs, “Life: My Story Through History,” Francis stated that he does not currently have any health issues that would require him to resign from the papacy. He emphasized that he still has many projects that he hopes to accomplish. While Francis had missed the Good Friday procession in the past due to illness, his absence this year raised concerns about his well-being, particularly given his recent health struggles.

Francis’s last-minute decision to skip the Good Friday procession sparked speculation and concern about his health, especially since he has been dealing with respiratory issues all winter. Despite the concerns, the Vatican emphasized that the pope would be conserving his health in preparation for the Easter Vigil and Mass on Sunday. The decision to skip the traditional event was unexpected and added to the uncertainty surrounding his physical condition during this important religious period. The pontiff’s health is closely monitored, and any changes in his schedule or activities are closely scrutinized by the public and the media.

The papacy is a demanding role that involves a rigorous schedule of events, travel, and public appearances. Pope Francis’s health issues have raised questions about his ability to continue fulfilling these responsibilities, especially as he nears his 90s. The decision to skip the Good Friday procession was a reminder of his frailty and the challenges he faces in maintaining his health while carrying out his duties as the leader of the Catholic Church. Despite his health struggles, Francis remains committed to his role and has expressed his determination to continue working on projects that are important to him. The pontiff’s health will continue to be a topic of concern and speculation as he navigates his duties as the head of the Catholic Church.

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