What used to be a gas station 25 years ago on Henderson Highway and Chalmers Avenue in Winnipeg is now being transformed into a hub of summer fun. Michel Durand-Wood, chair of Reimagine Elmwood, explained that after over a decade of anticipation, the old lot will soon be a place for the community to enjoy various events. Elmwood residents and visitors can look forward to farmers markets, movie nights, and a beer garden for the first time ever. The goal is to make the area more accessible and usable for the community. The organizations involved are taking their time in developing the community nook, adding new elements as they go along based on the community’s needs.

According to Leilani Villarba, executive director of Chalmers Neighborhood Renewal, the area is being developed in response to the community’s desires. The organizations are working on a five-year plan to create a beautiful space where the community can come together. The corner on Henderson and Chalmers is a result of listening to the community’s feedback and working together to make their vision a reality. The focus is on bringing people together and making events happen for the community. Winnipeggers can expect to see events at the corner before the month is out, as Reimagine Elmwood and Chalmers Neighborhood Renewal work to make the area a vibrant and welcoming space for all.

Durand-Wood emphasized that the community corner is a collaborative effort that involves ongoing feedback and input from residents. The development of the area is an organic process, with new elements being added gradually based on community needs and preferences. Starting with simple additions like tables, flowers, and staging, the space will continue to evolve over time to better serve the community. The overall goal is to create a space that meets the needs and desires of Elmwood residents and visitors, providing a welcoming and accessible environment for social gatherings and events.

Villarba highlighted the importance of a community-driven approach in the development of the area. By listening to what the people want and working together to bring their ideas to life, Reimagine Elmwood and Chalmers Neighborhood Renewal are focused on creating a space that reflects the values and aspirations of the community. The five-year plan will guide the development of the area, ensuring that it aligns with the community’s vision for a vibrant and inclusive space. By engaging with residents and actively seeking their input, the organizations aim to make the corner on Henderson and Chalmers a place that fosters a sense of community and connection among those who visit.

Overall, the transformation of the former gas station into a community hub reflects a long-standing desire from residents for a space that fosters social interaction and connectivity. Through a collaborative and community-driven approach, Reimagine Elmwood and Chalmers Neighborhood Renewal are working to create a welcoming and inclusive environment for all. By listening to the needs and desires of Elmwood residents and visitors, the organizations are developing a space that will host a variety of events and activities, ranging from farmers markets to movie nights. The community corner on Henderson and Chalmers is set to become a lively and vibrant space that brings people together and enhances the overall sense of community in the area.

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