The hit reality television show “The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives” has become known not for its gripping scandals but for the flawless hair of the stars, named “Utah curls” after the origin of the #MomTok troupe. Salt Lake City beauty pageant competitor LaRae Day revealed that she gets 22-inch hair extensions at the Pleasant Grove salon JZ Styles, co-owned by one of the show’s stars. The trend has become so popular that it has led to a wave of hair tourism in Utah, with fans from all over the country wanting to fly in for hair extensions.

Stylist Kait Moritz at JZ Styles has noticed a spike in demand for hair extensions after the release of the reality show, with fans flooding her social media inboxes with requests. The cost of the “Mormon Wives” extensions is reportedly around $1,500 per appointment for hair alone. Despite the high price tag, many are drawn to the allure of transforming themselves with long, beautiful hair like the reality stars. This trend has also spread beyond Utah, with stylists in New York City and Texas reporting clients citing the show as inspiration for their hair transformations.

The popularity of the mermaid-like Utah curls has even led to some individuals experiencing regret over cutting their hair short. One individual mentioned in the article started to doubt her decision to chop her hair after seeing how polished the stars of the show looked with their extensions. However, while some have hesitated to commit to extensions, others have embraced the trend, with one individual even purchasing a curling iron from JZ Styles to replicate the look. Despite its popularity, the style has faced criticism for appearing incomplete and leaving ends straight, giving the appearance of damaged hair.

Critics of the Utah curls trend have pointed out that the style may reflect larger societal expectations of external beauty within the Mormon community. Former Latter Day Saints Church member Alyssa Grenfell claimed that appearance plays a significant role in the religion, with long hair being perceived as one way to achieve beauty. She suggested that the emphasis on external beauty in the Mormon community may be contributing to the popularity of the Utah curls trend and the pressure to conform to a certain standard of beauty. While the LDS Church has condemned some of the behaviors and portrayals on the show, Mormon content creator Ciera Hudson attributed the perfectionism and competitiveness among Utah women to the desire to maintain a certain image rather than specific religious beliefs.

Despite criticisms and controversies surrounding the Utah curls trend, the flawless long hair has captivated fans and inspired individuals to consider extensions as a way to enhance their appearance. The influence of the reality stars on hair trends has not been limited to Utah, with stylists in other states reporting clients referencing the show as motivation for their own hair transformations. While the trend may be divisive and face scrutiny for its portrayal of beauty standards, it has sparked a broader conversation about the intersection of appearance, culture, and societal expectations within the Mormon community and beyond.

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