President Joe Biden is putting his credibility on the line in an attempt to change how Israel is fighting in Gaza. He is waiting on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to take specific, measurable steps to ease civilian suffering and protect aid workers in the region. If Netanyahu does not comply, Biden will be faced with a critical decision on whether to allow the defiance to continue or to condition US support for Israel on specific terms. This shift by the Biden administration marks a significant step in US policy towards Israel and the ongoing conflict in Gaza.

The Israeli security cabinet approved steps to ease humanitarian aid into Gaza in response to Biden’s requests, signaling a potential pivot in Israeli strategy. However, sustained efforts will be necessary to address criticism of Netanyahu and mitigate Biden’s own political exposure. The deaths of aid workers in Gaza have heightened concerns and increased pressure on both leaders to take meaningful action to address the escalating crisis.

Biden’s call for an immediate ceasefire and potential changes in US policy regarding support for Israel is a significant development in the ongoing conflict. The administration is considering imposing limits on how weapons manufactured in the United States are used by the Israel Defense Forces. Democrats are openly discussing conditioning arms sales to Israel as a response to the escalating humanitarian crisis and civilian casualties in Gaza, further highlighting the political risks for both Biden and Netanyahu.

The public and firm stance taken by the Biden administration on the conflict is a departure from previous approaches and reflects the increasing pressure to address the worsening situation in Gaza. The administration is actively seeking changes from Israel, including the implementation of measures to protect civilians and the opening of aid corridors into Gaza. The involvement of high-ranking officials in public briefings on the call with Netanyahu underscores the seriousness of the situation and the potential consequences if action is not taken.

The long-standing defiance of US pressure by Netanyahu poses a challenge for Biden and highlights the political and security concerns at stake in their relationship. Tensions between the two leaders have risen as their interests diverge, with Biden facing pressure from within his coalition to address the crisis in Gaza and Netanyahu focused on maintaining security and political support in Israel. The potential for prolonged conflict and accountability for terror attacks could further strain their relationship and impact future diplomatic efforts.

Biden’s credibility and the humanitarian cost of the conflict in Gaza are pushing him towards a fateful crossroads in his approach to Israel. He may need to publicly impose costs on Netanyahu if warnings are ignored, despite his personal connections and emotional bond with Israel. Israel’s increasing international isolation and dependence on US support underscore the potential risks for Netanyahu in defying US requests, setting the stage for a critical decision on the future of the conflict.

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