A U.S. congressional delegation visited Taiwan’s new leader, President Lai Ching-te, in a show of support just days after China conducted drills around the self-governing island in response to his inauguration. Rep. Andy Barr, co-chair of the Taiwan caucus in the U.S. Congress, emphasized America’s commitment to supporting Taiwan militarily, diplomatically, and economically. He stated that the U.S. is determined to maintain peace in the Taiwan Strait and support Taiwan’s defense capabilities, despite not having formal diplomatic ties with the island.

China strongly opposed the congressional visit, stating that it undermined China-U.S. relations and the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait. The Chinese government views Taiwan as a renegade province and was critical of the U.S. lawmakers’ visit, accusing them of sending the wrong signal to pro-independence forces in Taiwan. The visit comes at a critical time, as Taiwan’s new leader is expected to continue the policies of his predecessor, Tsai Ing-wen, from the Democratic Progressive Party.

The delegation, which included both Republicans and Democrats, was led by Rep. Michael McCaul, the chair of the House Foreign Affairs Committee. McCaul emphasized America’s commitment to being a reliable partner for Taiwan, despite China’s opposition and attempts at coercion. The visit was seen as an important gesture of solidarity with Taiwan, especially in light of recent Chinese military drills near the island. Other members of the delegation included Reps. Young Kim, Joe Wilson, Jimmy Panetta, and Chrissy Houlahan.

The visit by the U.S. congressional delegation reaffirms America’s support for Taiwan and comes at a time of heightened tensions in the region. China continues to view Taiwan as part of its territory and has not ruled out the use of force to bring the island under its control. The U.S. is bound by its own laws to provide Taiwan with the means to defend itself, even though it does not have formal diplomatic relations with the island. The delegation’s visit sends a strong message of support to Taiwan and signals America’s commitment to standing by its allies in the region.

Despite China’s opposition to the U.S. lawmakers’ visit, the delegation made it clear that America will not be intimidated or coerced into backing down from its support of Taiwan. The recent approval of a military aid bill for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan by Congress further underscores America’s commitment to helping its allies defend themselves. The visit by the congressional delegation is seen as an important step in maintaining peace and stability in the region, particularly as tensions between China and Taiwan continue to escalate.

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