This year’s Formula 1 United States Grand Prix in Austin, Texas, is set to feature a highly anticipated musical performer, leading Circuit of the Americas (COTA) to offer to buy back “early bird” tickets from buyers and pay an extra $50 to ticket holders. The artist chosen for the event is so high-profile that there is speculation that COTA could resell tickets at higher prices than the initial $299 fee. Despite the hype surrounding the musical guest, their identity remains a mystery.

Previous musical performers at the Grand Prix in Austin have included big names such as Taylor Swift, Britney Spears, Bruno Mars, and Billy Joel. COTA founding partner Bobby Epstein has suggested that this year’s artist is the biggest they have had since Taylor Swift performed a few years ago. The entertainment lineup for the event will be announced on April 29, giving early bird buyers until May 6 to sell back their tickets for $350.

Some fans have criticized COTA for offering to buy back tickets, accusing the company of acting like scalpers. However, Epstein has defended the decision, stating that early bird buyers received a good value on their purchase and hopefully will continue to attend future events. The offer to buy back tickets was for any general admission three-day weekend grounds pass, with over 10,000 passes sold at the early bird price.

Despite the controversy surrounding the buyback offer, Epstein has stated that the limited number of general admission tickets that will be released after the announcement of the artist will still be priced below $400. Last year’s general admission price was around $475, highlighting the value of the early bird tickets. The Grand Prix is scheduled to run from October 18-20, with general admission seating being one of the more affordable options at the event.

In a move to demonstrate the value of their tickets and show appreciation to early bird buyers, COTA offered to buy back tickets at a higher price and pay an additional $50 to ticket holders. Epstein emphasized that the intention was not to make a profit on the buyback but rather to acknowledge the value of the tickets. The high-profile musical performer chosen for this year’s Grand Prix has generated significant excitement among fans and industry insiders alike.

Overall, the anticipation for the musical performer at the Formula 1 United States Grand Prix in Austin is at an all-time high, with COTA taking unique measures to show their appreciation to early bird ticket buyers. The decision to offer to buy back tickets at a higher price and pay an additional $50 has sparked debate among fans, but the value of the tickets and the excitement surrounding the event remain unchanged. As the entertainment lineup is set to be announced, fans eagerly await the reveal of the artist who will take the stage before the race in October.

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