Taiwan’s government has strongly criticized China for its ongoing military activities near the island, viewing them as attempts to intimidate and pressure Taiwan into submission. China has been conducting regular war games and military exercises around Taiwan for the past four years, raising tensions in the region. Recently, Taiwan’s defence ministry reported the discovery of a cardboard box containing political slogans written in simplified Chinese characters on Erdan islet, part of the Taiwan-controlled Kinmen islands. The ministry suspects that the box was dropped by a drone as part of a cognitive operation trick.

In response to China’s military activities near its territory, Taiwan has taken measures to defend itself, including shooting down drones that were harassing the Kinmen islands. These actions have been viewed as provocative by both sides, leading to increased tensions between Taiwan and China. Despite the condemnation from Taiwan’s government, China’s defence ministry has remained silent on the matter and has not responded to calls outside of office hours. China’s military has also ramped up its propaganda efforts, releasing videos and animations aimed at Taiwan and showcasing its military capabilities in the region.

The situation between Taiwan and China has become increasingly volatile, with both sides engaging in military activities and rhetoric that has raised concerns about the potential for conflict in the region. Taiwan’s government has accused China of using these war games as a means to pressure Taiwan into accepting its authority and to undermine Taiwan’s independence. China, on the other hand, has justified its military activities as necessary for the protection of its sovereignty and national security interests. The ongoing tensions between Taiwan and China have led to calls for dialogue and diplomacy to prevent any escalation of hostilities.

As China continues its military exercises near Taiwan, the international community has been closely monitoring the situation and urging both sides to exercise restraint and resolve their differences through peaceful means. The United States, in particular, has expressed support for Taiwan’s sovereignty and has called on China to respect Taiwan’s autonomy. The US has also reiterated its commitment to the Taiwan Relations Act, which ensures the US’s dedication to helping Taiwan defend itself against any threats. Amidst the growing tensions in the region, the need for dialogue and diplomatic efforts to de-escalate the situation has become increasingly urgent.

The ongoing military activities near Taiwan have raised concerns about the potential for conflict in the region, with both Taiwan and China taking provocative actions that have heightened tensions between the two sides. Taiwan’s government has condemned China’s war games as attempts to intimidate and pressure Taiwan into submission, while China has defended its military exercises as necessary for its national security interests. The international community has called for dialogue and diplomacy to prevent any escalation of hostilities and to ensure a peaceful resolution to the dispute. As both Taiwan and China continue to engage in military activities near Taiwan, the need for de-escalation and conflict resolution has become increasingly pressing.

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