The US aviation industry has urged the Biden administration to halt approval of additional flights to and from China due to Beijing’s “existing harmful anti-competitive policies” that negatively impact American airlines and workers. Industry lobby group Airlines for America, which includes major carriers like American Airlines, Delta, and United, along with other aviation worker unions, signed a letter addressed to Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg. The letter noted that the competitive disadvantage faced by US airlines serving China is detrimental to the approximately 315,000 workers in the industry.

In an effort to gradually restore aviation services that were affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, Washington announced in February that Chinese airlines would be allowed to increase their direct passenger flights to the United States. Chinese carriers were granted approval by US officials to operate 50 weekly round trips to and from the United States, up from 35, starting from March 31. However, the increased number of flights is still significantly lower than the more than 150 weekly round trips that were allowed by both countries before restrictions were imposed in early 2020.

The letter from American carriers highlighted China’s strict limits on market access during the pandemic and challenging rules affecting operations, customers, and the treatment of US airline crew. The situation worsened in 2022 as Chinese airlines continued to use Russian airspace, while US carriers had to avoid it due to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February that year. This avoidance of Russian airspace adds time and costs to flights, further exacerbating the anti-competitive disadvantage faced by US airlines in comparison to Chinese carriers.

The US aviation industry emphasized the need for the government to establish a policy that protects American aviation workers, businesses, and air travelers in light of China’s actions and their impact on the industry. The letter called for a pause on approval of additional flights to and from China to address the existing competitive disparities and ensure equality of access in the market. The growth of the Chinese aviation market unchecked could lead to American flights being relinquished to Chinese carriers, further disadvantaging US workers and businesses.

The ongoing challenges in the aviation industry underscore the broader implications of trade and economic relations between the US and China. The anti-competitive practices and restrictions imposed by China have significant consequences for American airlines and workers, creating a need for a comprehensive policy approach to address these issues effectively. It remains to be seen how the Biden administration will respond to the concerns raised by the US aviation industry and what measures will be taken to safeguard the interests of American carriers in the face of growing competition from Chinese airlines.

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