Sabreen Jouda was born into tragedy as her family home in Rafah, Gaza was hit by an Israeli airstrike, resulting in the death of her father, mother, and 4-year-old sister. Her mother, who was 30 weeks pregnant, was rushed to a hospital where medical workers performed an emergency cesarean section to save the baby. Despite being in critical condition, Sabreen survived and was placed in an incubator at a neonatal intensive care unit. Dr. Mohammad Salameh, the head of the unit, described her as a premature orphan girl, expressing concern for her health.

The tragic incident highlights the devastating impact of the ongoing conflict in Gaza, where at least two-thirds of the more than 34,000 Palestinians killed have been children and women. In another airstrike in Rafah, 17 children and two women from an extended family were killed. The survivors, including Sabreen’s paternal grandmother, Ahalam al-Kurdi, mourned the loss of their loved ones while pledging to care for the newborn orphan. The maternal grandmother, Mirvat al-Sakani, expressed disbelief over the senseless targeting of innocent civilians and the trauma of not being able to find her son’s remains.

The aftermath of the airstrikes in Rafah saw grieving families burying their dead, with children in bloodied wraps being laid to rest in body bags. The heartbreaking scenes of loss and despair underscore the urgent need for a resolution to the violence and suffering in Gaza. As the conflict continues to escalate, humanitarian organizations are working tirelessly to provide emergency medical care and support to those affected by the violence. The international community is called upon to intervene and prevent further loss of life in Gaza.

Despite the challenges and hardships faced by the people of Gaza, there are moments of resilience and hope, such as the survival of baby Sabreen and the determination of her family to care for her. As the world watches the devastating consequences of the conflict unfold, there is a renewed sense of urgency to find a peaceful resolution and prevent further loss of innocent lives. The stories of families like Sabreen’s serve as a powerful reminder of the human cost of war and the importance of working towards a sustainable peace in the region. The need for humanitarian aid and support for the people of Gaza remains critical as they continue to endure the impact of the ongoing violence.

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