The Chosen, a popular faith-based series created by Dallas Jenkins, follows the life and ministry of Jesus of Nazareth in the 1st century. Season 4 of the show was recently released in theaters, debuting at No. 2 at the U.S. box office and earning $8.6 million. However, the digital release of Season 4 has been postponed due to legal issues, leading fans to eagerly anticipate the next installment. Despite the delay, production for Season 5 is set to begin on April 11, 2024, with filming starting in Utah before moving to Texas for the rest of production.

The response to Season 4 has been overwhelmingly positive, giving a boost to the cast and crew as they prepare for Season 5. The upcoming season is expected to cover important events during Holy Week before the crucifixion of Jesus, including the raising of Lazarus and the betrayal of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane. The show is set to have a total of seven seasons, with each season covering different aspects of Jesus’ ministry and interactions with various characters.

While the release date for Season 5 of The Chosen has not yet been announced, if production continues as scheduled, the series could premiere in early 2025. Season 4 resumed filming in July 2023 after a SAG-AFTRA Interim Agreement allowed production to continue during an actor’s strike, with the season premiering approximately six to seven months later. The Chosen has not confirmed whether Season 5 will also have a theatrical release before being available on digital platforms.

The entire Season 4 cast of The Chosen is expected to return for Season 5, with Jonathan Roumie reprising his role as Jesus Christ. Other returning cast members include Shahar Isaac as Simon Peter, Paras Patel as Matthew, and Elizabeth Tabish as Mary Magdalene, among many others. Season 5 is anticipated to delve deeper into the events leading up to Jesus’ crucifixion, offering a unique perspective on familiar biblical stories while exploring the relationships between the characters.

Fans of The Chosen can look forward to Season 5 continuing the engaging storytelling and character development that the series is known for. The show’s focus on the people who met and interacted with Jesus, as well as the profound impact He had on their lives, will likely be a central theme in the upcoming season. As filming for Season 5 commences, viewers can expect the production team to bring to life the events of Holy Week with authenticity and creativity, promising an emotionally impactful viewing experience for audiences.

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