Colleen Quigley, a world record holder and steeplechase specialist, shared a unique part of her workout routine on Instagram. She demonstrated a technique where she pulls her tongue out in different directions to release tension in her pelvic floor muscles. Quigley credits Dr. Noah Moos for introducing her to this technique, which she finds uncomfortable but effective. The connection between the mouth, tongue, and pelvic floor is explained by pelvic floor therapist Cate Schaffer, who notes that everything we do with our mouths can affect our pelvic floor muscles.

The technique of tongue-pulling is demonstrated by Quigley, who shows how she uses her t-shirt to grab her tongue and pull it in various directions, holding each pose for a few seconds. This stretching exercise is said to release the muscles in the tongue and jaw, which are connected to the pelvis through the body’s myofascial system. While the technique may seem unconventional, Quigley believes in its effectiveness and the benefits it brings to the entire body.

Pelvic floor therapist Cate Schaffer explains the connection between the jaw, tongue, and pelvic floor muscles. Changes in breathing patterns, tight jaws, and other factors can contribute to pelvic floor tension, lack of coordination, and pain. While Schaffer acknowledges the connection between the jaw and pelvis, she is skeptical about the effectiveness of the tongue-pulling technique. She recommends experimenting with different directions of pulling and following each pull with relaxation and gentle massage for those interested in trying this technique.

Pelvic floor health is crucial for overall well-being, including sexual health. Weak or tight pelvic floor muscles can impact orgasms and cause pain during sex. Kegel exercises are often recommended to strengthen pelvic floor muscles, which can help improve sexual experiences. However, some individuals may find alternative techniques like the tongue-pulling exercise interesting to explore in combination with other pelvic floor exercises.

Understanding the interconnectedness of different muscle groups in the body is essential for maintaining overall health and well-being. The vagus nerve, which connects pelvic organs, the tongue, and the larynx, plays a significant role in this interconnected system. By exploring unconventional techniques like tongue-pulling, individuals can potentially release tension in different parts of their body and improve their overall physical condition. While the efficacy of such techniques may vary from person to person, it is essential to stay open to alternative approaches for health and fitness.

In conclusion, Colleen Quigley’s tongue-pulling exercise may seem unconventional, but it reflects the interconnectedness of different muscle groups in the body. By exploring unique techniques like this, individuals can potentially release tension in their muscles, including those in the pelvic floor. While pelvic floor health is crucial for overall well-being, it is essential to approach exercise and therapy with an open mind and willingness to try new approaches. Whether it’s kegel exercises, tongue-pulling, or other techniques, the goal is to improve pelvic floor health and enhance sexual experiences through strengthening and releasing tension in the relevant muscle groups.

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