Scott, the Senior Vice President of Plymouth Industrial REIT, has a diverse background in capital markets, investments, and credit analysis. However, he credits much of his success in corporate development to his experience as an endurance athlete. Through his athletic endeavors, Scott learned a valuable lesson that has had a profound impact on his business ventures.

While many articles and books emphasize the importance of team building, goal setting, and effective habits, Scott felt that something was missing in his efforts to link his actions to success. It was only when he started thinking about his business endeavors in the context of competitive athletics that he began to see the connection between effort and outcome more clearly.

Scott highlights the importance of focusing on strengths rather than weaknesses. He explains that athletes train to improve their specific skills, and it is crucial to spend more time honing natural abilities rather than trying to correct for weaknesses. He found that turning good skills into great ones yields far more value than trying to improve mediocre skills.

Scott outlines four steps to assessing strengths effectively: discovering what you enjoy, understanding where you generate relative outperformance, soliciting and evaluating feedback, and developing a view of future demand. By following these steps, individuals can better identify their competitive advantages and focus on leveraging their strengths for success.

While it is essential to work on improving weaknesses, Scott emphasizes that success in both athletics and business comes from exploiting strengths and talents. By focusing a majority of resources on honing strengths rather than weaknesses, individuals can gain a comparative advantage in various arenas, including business, management, and investing.

Scott’s insights on the importance of focusing on strengths can help individuals map out a path where they can best apply their strongest skills and gain a competitive edge. By applying these principles to business efforts, individuals can identify areas where they excel and use them to drive success in their chosen field. Scott’s experience serves as a valuable lesson for anyone looking to maximize their potential in business and beyond.

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