The US State Department designated the Nordic Resistance Movement (NRM) as a terrorist organization, along with three of its top officials. This marks the second time in history that the US has classified a foreign White supremacist group and its leaders as terrorists. The NRM, founded in Sweden in 1997, has branches in other Nordic countries and was banned in Finland in 2020. The State Department cited the organization’s involvement in acts of terrorism that threaten US nationals and national security as the reason for the designation.

This is the first time the Biden administration has made such a designation of a White supremacist group, following the Trump administration’s designation of the Russian Imperial Movement in 2020. The NRM’s violent activities are rooted in its racist, anti-immigrant, antisemitic, and anti-LGBTQI+ platform. Members and leaders have been involved in violent attacks against political opponents, journalists, and other perceived adversaries. The group has also engaged in the collection and preparation of weapons and explosive materials, as well as training in violent tactics.

The US intelligence community’s Annual Threat Assessment for 2024 warns of the continued threat posed by transnational racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists, particularly those motivated by white supremacy. This movement has the potential to incite violence across various regions, posing a significant threat to US persons. The State Department’s designation of the NRM is part of a broader effort to address the transnational dimensions of the threat posed by racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists. This reflects the Biden-Harris Administration’s commitment to countering domestic terrorism, including REMVE.

Transnational linkages among REMVE actors are increasing, with communication occurring online and in person. These groups are radicalizing individuals, recruiting followers, and sharing tactical training methods, including instructions for making weapons. The exploitation of social media platforms, online gaming platforms, and encrypted chat applications has facilitated recruitment and dissemination of radical materials. The State Department’s focus on countering domestic terrorism includes efforts to disrupt these networks and prevent further radicalization and mobilization to violence.

President Trump’s 2019 executive order expanded the US government’s authority to target groups that provide training to terrorists, not just those that carry out attacks. The designation of the NRM as a terrorist organization will restrict members’ access to the US financial system, making it more difficult for them to move money internationally and fund their activities. This action is part of an ongoing effort to disrupt the activities of racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists and prevent them from carrying out acts of terrorism. The State Department’s counterterrorism officials are actively working to address the threat posed by these groups and their transnational connections.

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