An airline catering company responsible for food and beverages on flights out of Toronto Pearson Airport has reached a tentative agreement with its company Gate Gourmet. The Teamsters Local Union 647 announced that a tentative agreement has been reached and members are set to vote on it on Monday. The union’s bargaining committee is recommending members to accept the agreement, although it still needs to be ratified. More than 800 workers had previously gone on strike after 96% voted against a previous proposed agreement.
The workers on strike are responsible for cooking, packing, and delivering meals, snacks, beverages, and other supplies to planes for in-flight service. Airlines affected by the strike include Air Canada, West Jet, United Airlines, Delta Airlines, TAP Air Portugal, Air India, Aero Mexico, SAS Scandinavian Airlines, and Jetlines. Details of the agreement have not yet been released as union members are currently reviewing the offer. If the agreement is accepted, workers are expected to return to work on Tuesday, April 30.
Martin Cerqua, president of Teamsters Local Union 647, expressed gratitude to the members for their courage and solidarity throughout the strike. The union has received support from various individuals and organizations during the negotiation process. The strike caused disruptions in airline catering services at Toronto Pearson Airport, impacting several major airlines. The tentative agreement represents a positive step forward in resolving the labor dispute and restoring normal operations.
The strike by airline catering workers underscored the importance of fair labor practices and collective bargaining rights. The workers’ decision to strike in response to a rejected proposed agreement highlights the significance of a unified workforce in negotiating better working conditions. The tentative agreement reached between Gate Gourmet and the Teamsters Local Union 647 signifies progress towards addressing the concerns of the workers and reaching a mutually beneficial resolution to the labor dispute.
The airline catering company’s agreement with the union is a step towards ensuring stability in the airline industry and avoiding disruptions in passenger services. The resolution of the labor dispute is expected to benefit both the workers and the company, allowing for a return to normal operations at Toronto Pearson Airport. The tentative agreement provides a framework for addressing the workers’ grievances and establishing a more equitable working relationship between the company and the union.
Overall, the tentative agreement reached between the airline catering company and the Teamsters Local Union 647 represents a positive development in resolving the labor dispute. The proposed agreement, if ratified, will enable workers to return to their jobs and resume providing food and beverages to flights at Toronto Pearson Airport. The solidarity and determination of the workers in standing up for their rights have led to significant progress in reaching a mutually acceptable resolution. The agreement reflects the importance of collective bargaining and fair treatment of workers in the airline catering industry.