Mayim Bialik, a former host of Jeopardy, was recently referenced in a clue on an episode of the show. The clue challenged contestants to name the show that the famous television couples Sheldon & Amy came from, which were characters from The Big Bang Theory played by Jim Parsons and Bialik. Contestant Colleen Kelly correctly solved the puzzle, with host Ken Jennings confirming her answer, but not commenting on the reference to Bialik, his former co-host. This reference comes almost a year after Bialik announced in December 2023 that she had been fired from Jeopardy after taking a hiatus in support of the writer’s strike. She expressed her gratitude for the opportunity to be a part of the Jeopardy family.

A TMZ report claimed that Bialik’s absence during her hiatus opened executives’ eyes to their dual host system and gave Jennings time to improve his hosting skills. Jeopardy executive producer Michael Davies mentioned that Bialik is a superb host, and they hope to continue working with her on primetime versions and other spin-offs, with ongoing conversations in place. Jennings expressed that he was caught off guard by Bialik’s decision to leave and shared his admiration for working with her, while acknowledging her decision-making process and opinions surrounding her exit.

Bialik faced criticism and became a divisive figure on Jeopardy, with much of the negativity fueled by sexism when she shared co-hosting duties with Jennings. Despite this, Jennings has expressed his desire to continue hosting Jeopardy and hopes to follow in Alex Trebek’s footsteps by staying on the show for decades. He mentioned in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter that it is an honor for him to host the show and looks forward to potentially hosting for many more years, suggesting that he may even continue until he is a very old man.

Overall, Bialik’s reference in a recent Jeopardy clue serves as a reminder of her time as a host on the show, despite her departure following the writer’s strike hiatus. The show’s executive producer has expressed hope to continue working with Bialik on other projects, while Jennings has shared his appreciation for his former co-host. Additionally, Jennings’ commitment to continuing as a host on Jeopardy aligns with his long-term aspirations for the show. Despite the controversies surrounding Bialik’s time as a host, Jeopardy has continued to thrive with Jennings at the helm, looking towards a future that may potentially include extensive involvement from both former hosts.

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